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Minimalistic adaptive theme for Sublime Text


Examples with builtin colour schemes:

Mariana Monokai Sixteen
Mariana Monokai Sixteen
Mariana Monokai Sixteen


Package Control

Package Control: Install PackageTheme - Pigment


Download repository contents and store under your <DATA_PATH>/Packages/Theme - Pigment directory.


UI: Select themePigment.sublime-theme


Theme settings

  • pigment_heavy_scroll_bars » display scrollbars in bordered containers; overlay_scroll_bars must be "disabled"
  • pigment_sidebar_vertical_scroll_bar » enable vertical scrollbar in sidebar
  • pigment_sidebar_horizontal_scroll_bar » enable horizontal scrollbar in sidebar
  • pigment_sidebar_hide_heading » hide the "FOLDERS" label in the sidebar; open files must not be shown

Builtin settings

  • overlay_scroll_bars » hide scrollbars when not active
  • always_show_minimap_viewport » highlight minimap viewport area when not hovering
  • bold_folder_labels » make sidebar folder labels bold
  • mouse_wheel_switches_tabs » switch tabs when scrolling over the tabs bar; enable_tab_scrolling must be false
  • highlight_modified_tabs » make modified tabs visually distinct
  • show_tab_close_buttons » show close buttons of tabs

Sidebar icons

The theme ships with FileIcons in grayscale, but overriding is possible.