Use the below to set and initialize your backend config variables
terraform init -backend-config=backend.conf
bucket = "bucket-name"
key = "object-name"
region = "eu-west-2"
dynamodb_table = "table-name"
- Lab 1: Configure S3 Lifecycle
- Lab 2: Build a Docker Image Using CodeBuild and Push it to ECR
- Lab 3: Deploy a Configuration to an EC2 Using CodeDeploy
- Lab 4: Deploy an NGINX Container in ECS and Establish Communication to an AWS Service like S3
- Lab 5: Deploy and Manage an Elastic Beanstalk Environment that is Defined as a Terraform Script Inside CodePipeline
- Lab 6: Use Cognito to Secure a CRUD API Built with Lambda and DynamoDB
- Lab 7: Using Amazon EFS file systems with Amazon ECS
- Lab 8: Trigger S3 Event to Lambda and send logs to X-ray and Cloudwatch