"# OpenC2-FileQuery-PoC" This collection of code was put together for two companies present at the January 27/28 2020 OpenC2 plugfest/hackathon held at UMBC in Maryland.
I updated the code to include more vendors as actuators and made slight modifications to the code to bring it closer to the latest OpenC2 language specification.
In order to make it work, the /etc/config.json file must be edited to include your api key. The embedded openc2api key is only useful with this code and so it is hardcoded, but the other two keys must be edited for the backend http.requests to function correctly. All the node_modules have been removed from the repository.
To add all the node_modules:
- Change directory to the package root that contains the listener.js file.
- Type "npm install" as this will populate the node_modules folder with all the dependencies.
- Type 'node listener.js' to start the listener. The listener will start listening on port 1512.
Please note that this code turns off SSL validation in order to support self signed certs used in https. Please use in a controlled environment isolated from rest of network.
Updated Virustotal API to version 3.0 Added Fireeye Detection on Demand Query MD5 Hash Updated OpenC2 response. Added "X-Request-ID" : UUID to response. Updated Node.js command generation to ignore expired certificates. e.g ADDED "strictSSL: false" Updated features OpenC2 request. Updated features/versions request. Updated "Sample code to download" section.
Preliminary non-OpenC2 Testing
Actuator API Tests
Source, AcctReq, File, MD5, SHA256, InTool
Virustotal: Y, ✓, ✓, ✓, ✓✓
Source, AcctReq, File, MD5, SHA256, InTool
Fireeye Y, ✓, ✓, N/A, ✓✓
Source, AcctReq, File, MD5, SHA256, InTool
BluVector Y, x*, U, U, x
Source, AcctReq, File, MD5, SHA256, InTool
ThreatCrowd N, ✓, ✓, N/A, ✓✓
Source, AcctReq, File, MD5, SHA256, InTool
HashDD N, ✓, ✓, ✓, ✓✓
Source, AcctReq, File, MD5, SHA256, InTool
Opswat Y, ✓, ✓, ✓, ✓✓
✓✓ = Included ✓ = Supported and tested x* = Supported as of last plugfest N = Not included Y = Required U = Untested N/A = Not Applicable/Not Available