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This repository contains my MSc dissertation project. Iti s an implementation of a streaming GMM algorithm in Spark.

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Gradient-based streamming Gaussian Mixtures in Spark

This project forms part of an MSc dissertation at the University of Edinburgh.

It is based on the results of [1] and implements stochastic gradient ascent and additional accelerated gradient ascent algorithms for GMMs, which makes it useful for streaming mixture models. It can also perform mini-batch or full-batch model fitting locally using Breeze's DenseVector as input.

Getting Started


The projectu uses scala 2.11.8, spark 2.3.1 and breeze 0.13.2


To use it as a dependency for other project you can add the following lines to your build.sbt file

lazy val projectIDependOn = RootProject(uri("git://<latest_version>"))


where latest_version is the latest release (as of now, 1.5)

Using the program

Below is a summary of how the program works. To see the full documentation click here


The model is initialized using its factory object, either specifying the arrays of initial weights, mean vectors and covariance matrices:

import com.github.gradientgmm.GradientGaussianMixture

val model = GradientGaussianMixture(weigths,means,covs)

(here means and covs are Spark's DenseVector and DenseMatrix respectively)

or passing as arguments training data and the number of components to init (the data must be an RDD of Spark's DenseVector, just like Spark's GaussianMixtureModel):

val model = GradientGaussianMixture.init(data,k)

the above line will use the result of a K-means model fitted with a small sample to set initial weights, means and covariances.

You can initialize the model as above and then perform gradient ascent iterations in a single instruction with:

val model =,k)

Optimization algorithms

The default optimization algorithm when creating and updating the model is GradientAscent. Accelerated gradient ascent directions are also available (in fact they usually perform better, so you should use them!) and they can be created as follows:

import com.github.gradientgmm.optim.{MomentumGradientAscent,NesterovGradientAscent}

val myOptim = new MomentumGradientAscent()
    .setBeta(0.6) //inertia parameter

Now you can pass it to the model when initializing it by addind an optim parameter to any of the instructions above, for example:

val model =,k,myOptim)

It is recommended to use a big initial step size and shrink it until 1e-2 or 1e-3


For an existing model, model.step(data) is used to update it. The mini-batch size and number of iterations of every step() call can be specified beforehand:



To avoid the problem of covariance singularity, you can add a logarithmic barrier or a conjugate prior regularizer to the optimizer object:

import com.github.gradientgmm.optim.{LogBarrier,ConjugatePrior}

val cpReg = new ConjugatePrior(k,dim) //pass k and data dimensionality
val lbReg = new LogBarrier()


It is usually better to use LogBarrier because it is cheaper computationally and memory-wise and has a smaller effect on the final model's quality.

Classifying Data

The methods predict and predictSoft do exactly the same as in Spark's GaussianMixtureModel

Streaming data

The methods predict, predictSoft and step can also take a DStream object as input



[1] Hosseini, Reshad & Sra, Suvrit. (2017). An Alternative to EM for Gaussian Mixture Models: Batch and Stochastic Riemannian Optimization


This repository contains my MSc dissertation project. Iti s an implementation of a streaming GMM algorithm in Spark.






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