Character Export to CoreRPG XML
- select token of a character
- copy whole output and save to an .xml-file
- import file in FantasyGrounds or
- import file in
- no field for faction
- inline rolls aren't substituted (e.g. in spell descriptions)
- no elements for eyes, skin, hair
- all lists are alphabetically reordert
- limited fieldsize cuts off some textfields (personal trait, bonds, notes etc.) and lists (items, attacks..)
- current hitpoints, temporary hitpoints and used hitdice are not displayed
- only attacks with attackrolls are displayed in the attacks-list
Searches for character sheets that have no controlledby-player assigned yet. If the characters name is text1::text2 or text1 (text2) with text2=a players displayname, that sheet is asigned to that player
!hom show Mysterious Note
adds handout "Mysterious Note" to journals of players that are online
!hom showid -L1t-XnjlJv0Q7IZwECX
adds handout with id "-L1t-XnjlJv0Q7IZwECX" to journals of players that are online
!hom id Mysterious Note
prints the id of "Mysterious Node"