To test the solution just
node main.js
and type any argument to test the parsing result. Both string and array are supported. Some basic validation is performed and may be improved to better check malformed/wrong inputs.
Some examples
node main.js
Parsing result: {}
Parsing result: {"bar":true}
--foo bar
Parsing result: {"foo":"bar"}
--foo bar bar2 bar3
Parsing result: {"foo":["bar","bar2","bar3"]}
--foo bar --foo2 1 2 --foo bar2 bar3 --foo2
Parsing result: {"foo":["bar","bar2","bar3"],"foo2":[1,2]}
--foo bar --foo2 1 2 --foo bar2 bar3 --foo3
Parsing result: {"foo":["bar","bar2","bar3"],"foo2":[1,2],"foo3":true}
Parsing result: {"bar":true}
Parsing result: {"bar4":true,"bar2":3,"bar3":["foo","foo2"],"bar":true}
[--foo, --foo2, test, test2, --bar, --foo, 2]
Parsing result: {"foo":2,"foo2":["test","test2"],"bar":true}