glamorous-website 💄 This is the website for glamorous and is built with next and glamorous of course. Contributing See Contributors Thanks goes to these people (emoji key): Kent C. Dodds💻 📖 🚇 ⚠️ 👀 Paul Molluzzo💻 📖 👀 ⚠️ zhu haihao💻 📖 🌍 Montlouis-Calixte Stéphane💻 👀 Parvez Kose📖 William I. Olojede📖 Michael Altamirano💻 📖 Bhargav Anand💻 📖 George "Tre" Ammatuna📖 Wojciech Kwolek💻 Arana Jhonny🌍 Anthony Ascencio📖 🌍 tdeschryver💻 👀 Mike Wickett💻 🎨 Dan Seethaler💡 Yuan Chuan👀 Phil Plückthun👀 Hsin-chieh Yeh👀 Bernard Lin👀 Maxime Laforet👀 Etienne Talbot👀 Karl Groves👀 Antonio Laguna👀 Simon Lydell👀 Anujan Panchadcharam👀 Carl Rosell💻 Aaron Olson📖 Christian Gill💻 Jon Major🎨 Hozefa💻 👀 Audora Chalker📖 Josh Robertson📖 Alessandro Arnodo👀 Aviv Rosental👀 Atticus White👀 Nitin Tulswani💡 Jesse🎨 🌍 💻 📖 👀 Marc Apfelbaum🌍 👀 Kai Richard König👀 Moe Sattler👀 🌍 Ian De La Cruz💻 Atsushi Yamamoto Jeppe Reinhold📖 Igor Konovalov🌍 👀 Luzanov Pavel👀 🌍 This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! LICENSE MIT