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CalculiTester is a proof assistant that allows user to interactively proof theorems with various simple rule-based deductive system using tactics, inspired by Coq.


CalculiTester uses Cabal for building.

You might need to install parsec, lens and haskeline packages.

cabal update
cabal install parsec lens haskeline

Then configure with

cabal configure

And build with

cabal build

Then CalculiTester can be run with

cabal run

Or you can copy the file dist/build/CalculiTester/CalculiTester to a place convenient for you and run it from there.

Basic Usage

Basic usage of CalculiTester looks like this

CT> Load theory $Theory$
$Theory$> Theorem $name$ : $expression$
Theorem $name$ saved

For example, proving the Law of Identity using Łukasiewicz axioms can be achieved with the following

CT> Load theory theories/ 
Loaded theory Axiomatic Logic
Axiomatic Logic> Theorem id : p -> p

p -> p
Axiomatic Logic: id> apply mp

P -> p -> p
Axiomatic Logic: id> apply mp

P0 -> P -> p -> p
Axiomatic Logic: id> apply ax2

p -> Q1 -> p
	p -> Q1
Axiomatic Logic: id> apply ax1

p -> Q1
Axiomatic Logic: id> apply ax1
Theorem id saved


CalculiTester has two modes of interactions: the main mode and the proof mode. CalculiTester starts in the main mode. In this mode user interacts with the program using commands, which starts with a capital letter. Commands instruct the program to load a deductive theory, save proofs and view them, and so on.

By using the command Theorem user enters the proof mode. In proof mode user interacts with program using tactics, which starts with a lower-case letter. A tactic instructs the program to attempt to make some kind of progress on the proof.

In the proof mode the program displays a list of goals, which are the statements to be proved. Initially this list is just the statement of the theorem to be proved. Each tactic modifies the list of goals. When the list of goals becomes empty, the theorem is considered to be proved and the proof is saved. The program exits the proof mode if the theorem is proved or the user cancels the proof by pressing Ctrl-D


Statements are written using expressions. Internally an expression is either a variable or an atom with a (possibly empty) list of expressions.

Expressions are parsed according to the following grammar

expression = expression 0
expression n = expression m, infixl m, expression (m + 1) (* m = n *) |
               expression (m + 1), infixr m, expression m (* m = n *) |
simpleExpression = atom, { shell } | shell
shell = { prefix }, nucleus, { postfix }
nucleus = variable | atom | list | '(', expression, ')'
list = "[]" | '[', expression, ']' | 
       '[', { expression,  ';' }, expression ']'

variable is a sequence of non-whitespace characters starting with an upper-case letter

atom is a sequence of non-whitespace characters starting with a digit or a lower-case letter

infixl m, infixr m, prefix, postfix are operators, which are represented by a sequence of characters starting with non-alphanumeric character, except reversed sequence ;

Whitespace between atoms, variables and operators is mandatory

For example:

X, Y, Atom, Atom++, X+b, Μεταβλητη are variables.

x, y, var, var++, x+b, ατομο are atoms.

+, >>=, $f are operators.

infixl m is a left-associative infix operator with precedence m.

infixr m is a right-associative infix operator with precedence m.

prefix is a prefix operator.

postfix is a postfix operator.

Properties of the operators are declared in the theory file. Operators with higher precedence bind tighter. Postfix operators are applied before prefix. Operator # is reserved as a right associative operator with precedence 0. It is used for interpretation of lists, redeclaring it's properties is not recommended.

When an expression with an infix operator is read, it's interpreted with an operator as the head atom of the expression. For example:

X + Y is represented internally as Atom "+" [Var "X", Var "Y"]

Lists are interpreted using operator # and the special atom [] in the following way:

[a; b; c; ... z] is equivalent to (a # b # c # ... # z # [])

Examples (assuming usual precedence and associativity of arithmetic operators):

X + Y * Z is Atom "+" [Var "X", Atom "*" [Var "Y", Var "Z"]]

(X + Y)^ N ^ M is Atom "^" [Atom "+" [Var "X", Var "Y"], Atom "^" [Var "N", Var "M"]]

take One and Two is Atom "take" [Var "One", Atom "and" [], Var "Two"]

- - 2 ^-1 ^-1 is Atom "-" [Atom "-" [Atom "^-1" [Atom "^-1" [Atom "2" []]]]]

Theory file

Theory file describes a deductive theory, i.e. the properties of the used operators and the deductive rules. Each kind of information is declared using a separate paragraph. Each paragraph consists of a heading line and a sequence of non-empty lines. Paragraphs are separated by at least one empty or whitespace line.

Theory name paragraph

name: $name$

This paragraph consists only of a heading. It states the name of theory, which used in the prompt.

Prefix and postfix operators paragraphs


These paragraphs describe prefix or postfix operators. The heading determine the kinds of the operators listed. The body contains the operators separated by whitespace (possibly several lines)


- ~
^-1 ★

Infix operators paragraph

$operators$ r $operators$
$operators$ r $operators$

This paragraph describes infix operators. First line lists operators with precedence 1, second with precedence 2 and so on. Left- and right-associative operators are separated with r. It's optional, if all operators in the line are left-associative.


+ - r ⊕
* r ⊗
r ^

Rule paragraph


This paragraph describes a deductive rule. The heading consists of two hyphens and the name of the rule. The body consists of one line for each premise of the rule and one line for the conclusion. Atoms and operators in the expressions for the premises and the conclusion denote the invariable parts of the rule. The variables denote subexpressions that depend on the application. The same variable in the conclusion and premises denotes the same subterm during the application.


Modus ponens

P → Q

usually written as

P → Q      P

Disjunction introduction rule

Γ ⊢ A
Γ ⊢ A ∨ B

Excluded middle axiom

A ∨ ¬ A

Successor constructor for natural numbers

Γ ⊢ X ∈ nat
Γ ⊢ s X ∈ nat


Results of tactics depend on unification of certain expressions. Unification is process that calculates for two given expression, a substution of variables, that make them identical. After unification each variable in the given expression either belongs to an equivalence class of varibles or equal to some expression. The result of the unification is the substitution which substitute the variables either with the alphabetically first in the equivalence class or the corresponding expression.


Load theory

Load theory $file$

This command load the thery from $file$. It overwrites the information about properties of operators and the rule database. It deletes the theorem database and name of the file used to save proofs.

It fails if $file$ doesn't exists or if there is an error while parsing the file.

Load proofs

Load proofs $file$

This command loads the proofs from $file$. It only loads the correct proofs according to the currently loaded theory.

It fails if $file$ doesn't exist or if there is an error while parsing the file


Theorem $name$ : $expression$
Theorem $name$: $expression$

This command remembers $name$ as the name of the theorem to save later, initializes the list of goals with the singleton containing $expression$ and starts the proof mode.

It fails if there is an error while parsing $expression$

Show proof

Show proof $name$

This command shows the proof of $name$ as a tree of rule names. It uses the Haskell function drawTree.

It fails if the theorem $name$ is not in the database.

Draw proof

Draw proof $name$
Draw proof $name$ $file$

This command generates a representation of the proof of the $name$ as a proof tree. If the argument $file$ is present, then the proof tree is written to $file$, otherwise it's written to the output.

It fails if the theorem $name$ is not in the database.

Example of a proof tree:

─────────────────────────────ax1  ─────────ax1
(P → Q → P) → R → (P → Q → P)     P → Q → P   
              R → (P → Q → P)

Save proofs

Save proofs $proofs$

This command appends the proofs the save file. When it's called the first time, it asks for the name of the file and remembers it for the next time. It overwrites the file if it's not a file with proofs.

It's not supposed to fail.



This command terminates the program




This tactic doesn't do anything.


apply $name$

This tactic loads the rule $name$ from the database. It tries to unify the conclusion of the rule with the first goal, then replaces it with the premises of the rule and apply the result of the unification to all goals.

It fails if the rule is not in the database or if the unification fails.


If modus ponens is defined as

P → Q

Then applying it gives the following result

Theory: theorem> apply mp

P0 → P


repeat $n$ $tactic$

This tactic repeats $tactic$ n times. At each step it's applied to first goal left after the previous steps.

It fails, if $tactic$ fails at any step. After the failure the state reverts to the one before calling repeat.

repeat $tactic$

This tactic repeats $tactic$ until it fails. It leaves the state as it was before the first failure. For performance reason, the number of repetions is limited to 255.

It's not supposed to fail.


If the implication introduction rule is defined as:

(A # G) ⊢ B
G ⊢ A → B

then following will happen

[] ⊢ a → b → c → d → e
IPC: test> apply I→

[a] ⊢ b → c → d → e
[] ⊢ a → b → c → d → e
IPC: test> repeat 4 apply I→

[d; c; b; a] ⊢ e
[] ⊢ a → b → c → d → e
IPC: test> repeat 5 apply I→
Error: Can't unify atoms e and →

[] ⊢ a → b → c → d → e
[] ⊢ a → b → c → d → e
IPC: test> repeat apply I→

[d; c; b; a] ⊢ e


hyp $name$

This tactic assumes existance of the rules $name$_head and $name$_tail. Such rules can be used for searching for a proposition within a context. The tactic applies the rule $name$_head and stops if it succeeds, otherwise it applies the rule $name$_tail and repeats.

It fails, if applying a rule fails at any step. It reverts the state on failure.


The same as hyp hyp


Assuming the definitions

(A # T) ⊢ A

T ⊢ A
(H # T) ⊢ A

the following will happen

[a; b; c; d] ⊢ a
Theory: theorem> hyp_head


[a; b; c; d] ⊢ c
Theory: theorem> hyp_tail

[b; c; d] ⊢ c

[a; b; c; d] ⊢ c
Theory: theorem> hyp hyp


Included theories

Directory theories contains some example theory files. Classical propositional calculus based on Łukasiewicz axioms and modus ponens. Includes implication (->) and negation (~). Intutionistic sequent-based propositional calculus. Includes implication (->), negation (~), conjunction (&&), disjunction (||), truth (true) and falsity (false).


Example proof

The proof that, in the intutionistic propositional calculus, implication as disjunction implies implication as negation of conjunction.

CT> Load theory theories/ 
Loaded theory IPC
IPC> Theorem implications : [] |- (~ a || b) -> ~ (a && ~ b)

[] |- ~a || b -> ~(a && ~b)
IPC: implications> apply I->

[~a || b] |- ~(a && ~b)
IPC: implications> apply I~

[~a || b] |- a && ~b -> false
IPC: implications> apply I->

[a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> apply E||

[a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A1 || B1
	[A1; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
	[B1; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> hyp

[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> apply E->

[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A4 -> false
	[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A4
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> apply E~

[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- ~A4
	[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A4
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> hyp

[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- a
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> apply E&&L

[~a; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- a && B3
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> hyp

[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- false
IPC: implications> apply E->

[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A9 -> false
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A9
IPC: implications> apply E~

[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- ~A9
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A9
IPC: implications> apply E&&R

[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A10 && ~A9
	[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- A9
IPC: implications> hyp

[b; a && ~b; ~a || b] |- b
IPC: implications> hyp
Theorem implications saved


A simple proof assistant








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