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You should (you can work without it, but it's very useful) install webpack globally:

npm install webpack webpack-dev-server -g

To start http server with your application run npm start. Server will start and listen locally on 8080.

You can change and any other settings in dev-server.js.

We are using babel and polyfill for Promises. So you can use any feature of ES6 in your code. It'll be converted to ES5 on build.

Config file for babel is located in .babelrc.

Documentation: ES6 Features

We use webpack as a build system. It combines js files and other assets and put them to public/ folder.

For assets (images, templates) use assets folder. It'll be copied to public/assets on build.

For external js libraries, try to use npm and require or copy them on build if needed. Find for angular/angular.min.js in webpack.config.js for example of copying.

Webpack config are located in webpack.config.js and webpack-production.config.js. Production config requires basic one, so place there things which will be needed only in production.

Documentation: Webpack

We are using eslint to check our code for style and other simple errors.

Config for eslint is located in .eslintrc.

Place them to test/ folder, should end on .spec.js. To run use npm test or npm testOnce

We are using karma and mocha (+ chai) for unit tests.

You can find config file in test/karma/conf.js.

Documentation for test frameworks:

You can start your application in real browser and run tests against it. We are using protractor (Selenium inside) for it.

To start you need to run npm run e2e-start. Then you can run tests with npm run e2e.

You can find config file in test/protractor/conf.js.

Documentation: Protractor Tutorial

Usually you don't have to build you project, you just use run npm start. In case if you need it you can run webpack (you need to have webpack installed globally).

To build minified version for production run npm run prod.

Very simple deploy script is located in deploy/