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Minimal Artistic Portfolio theme


A wordpress theme for artist (painter, sculptor, video-producer, ...) made with SASS, Babel, Webpack and more.

Demo here (It's not demo content but my own artistic works)

1st Note: Translation content function work with qTranslateX you can use another plugin, static contents are translated (english/french) with a .po file. 2nd Note: Currently Gutenbeg blocks are not supported but if your site use only one language, it should work.


Project post

  • They can have a cartel (technical information of the artwork)
  • They can be linked to an event post
  • They can have featured image and a video (currently Plyr library is used to display a player of a Vimeo or YouTube video)

Events post

  • They can have a begin and an end date
  • They can have a location to display a map Leafleft
  • They are ordered from newer to older on the events.php page template (grouped by year)

### GIFs post

  • A simple image post to build a single gallery page.
  • Grid gallery show thumbnail but also embed a hidden image to be preloaded, this tricks should make GIF playing more smooth but could be also usefull with large image.

Commons features

  • Projects and events can have galleries, you just have to add thumbnail linked to full size image into post content, the editor will detect it and add a Fluidbox class.
  • They have share button (Facebook, Twitter and email)
  • contact page template (admin email is used to recieve email, there is no option to change it)
  • two menus (header & footer), page can be nested in a dropdown in the header navigation bar, these two menus are responsive



  • Refactoring with phpcs and wp-coding-standarts (composer dependency)
  • Move top sidebar to bottom (before footer)
  • Move color variables (relative to light and dark modes) from Sass to CSS variable
  • Change front bundler from Webpack to Gulp
  • Loops optimization (with pagination)
  • Complete CSS rewrite from _s theme Sass folders and files structure
  • Create a widget for dark mode with an option for switching from differents UI elements


Added a simple image post called gif (but could be used with static picture), with a posts grid template page.


  • Update workflow from Gulp to Webpack
  • Update Inter UI font
  • Change paragraph font from Inconsolata to Fira Code
  • Add video metabox on project post and Plyr player on frontend
  • Change searchbar submit text button by a magnifying glass icon (for regular user/non screen-reader)


Ver. 1.0.0

  • Update grid with flexbox
  • Load google font in functions.php
  • Fix z-index bug on events list page between year timeline bullet and events link
  • Fix z-index bug due to leafleft control and mobile navigation
  • Fix heading overflow (changing scale from golden ration to major second)
  • Change the behaviour of event thumbnail processing (no crop just resize)
  • Add responsive rules on dev/sass/_1-typography.scss for headings


  • install with npm install
  • update your change (SASS, PHP, image, fonts) with gulp watch and build it with build

Build with/thanks

Wordpress Gulp CSSNano Sass Autoprefixer browserSync NPM