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Migration Guide (🔖2.x to 🔖3.x)

Mingyu Kim edited this page Sep 6, 2019 · 8 revisions

Migration Guide from version v2.x

This document explains how to migrate your Flicking from v2.x to v3.x

HTML Structure

  • Panel width is not dependent on wrapper size in v3.x, so you have to set width: 100% manually.
.eg-flick-panel {
  width: 100%;
  • .eg-flick-container no longer exists, replaced by .eg-flick-viewport and .eg-flick-camera
<div id="flick">
  <div class="eg-flick-container">...</div>

<div id="flick">
  <div class="eg-flick-viewport">
    <div class="eg-flick-camera">...</div>



  • ❌Deprecated. As Flicking won't support for Android 2.x anymore, hwAccelerable check is done automatically.


  • Changed name to classPrefix


  • ❌Deprecated, but you can achieve same UI with a few CSS and overflow option.

To achieve the same effect of previewPadding: [80, 80], first in Flicking wrapper

#flick {
  padding-left: 80px;
  padding-right: 80px;
  overflow: hidden;

Then give flicking an option overflow: true.

new eg.Flicking("#flick", {
  overflow: true;

Also, there's a demo for this option.


  • Unlike in 2.x, this option is for restricting the angle of user input.


  • Changed name to adaptive, as it can now set adaptive width for vertical Flicking.


  • ❌Deprecated

Static constants


  • All direction related static constants is removed. Instead, you can use static constant DIRECTION which offers PREV and NEXT.

Member variables



getElement, getAllElements

  • Deprecated. You can use getElement method from FlickingPanel instance instead.
// getElement

// getAllElements
flicking.getAllPanels().map(panel => panel.getElement());

getNextElement, getNextIndex

  • ❌Deprecated. You can use next method from FlickingPanel instance instead.
const nextPanel = flicking.getPanel(index).next();
// getNextIndex
const nextIndex = nextPanel ? nextPanel.getIndex() : -1;
// getNextElement
const nextElement = nextPanel ? nextPanel.getElement() : null;

getPrevElement, getPrevIndex

  • ❌Deprecated. You can use prev method from FlickingPanel instance instead.
const prevPanel = flicking.getPanel(index).prev();
// getPrevIndex
const prevIndex = prevPanel ? prevPanel.getIndex() : -1;
// getPrevElement
const prevElement = prevPanel ? prevPanel.getElement() : null;



// Same to restore()


The event flow has significantly changed. Check the below diagram & instructions for details. Event flow

When 2.x 3.x
When user input started - holdStart
When user input ended - holdEnd
Before first move event - moveStart
When Flicking moves flick move
When animation ends flickEnd moveEnd
Before animation start beforeFlickStart -(change event is triggered on same timing)
Before changing panel - change
Before restore beforeRestore restore

Also, you can check the events demo to see how it actually works.


  • ❌Deprecated. You should use change event instead.


  • Changed name to restore.
    • parameter eventType changed the name to type.
    • parameter no changed the name to index.
    • parameter depaPos and destPos is ❌deprecated. You can use axesEvent parameter instead.
    • parameter direction's value is now either "prev" or "next".
      • "prev" is same to eg.Flicking.DIRECTION.PREV, "next" is same to eg.Flicking.DIRECTION.NEXT.


  • Changed name to move.
    • parameter eventType changed the name to type.
    • parameter no changed the name to index.
    • parameter pos and distance is ❌deprecated. You can use axesEvent parameter instead.
    • parameter direction's value is now either "prev" or "next".
      • "prev" is same to eg.Flicking.DIRECTION.PREV, "next" is same to eg.Flicking.DIRECTION.NEXT.


  • Changed name to moveEnd.
    • parameter eventType changed the name to type.
    • parameter no changed the name to index.
    • parameter direction's value is now either "prev" or "next".
      • "prev" is same to eg.Flicking.DIRECTION.PREV, "next" is same to eg.Flicking.DIRECTION.NEXT.


  • ❌Deprecated. You should use moveEnd event instead.


All plugins are now in a separate repository. You can follow the instruction in that repository to use plugins for Flicking. Now you have to call addPlugins or removePlugins to add/remove plugins.

flicking.addPlugins(new eg.Flicking.plugins.Parallax("img", 4));