If you already have a python environment and have poetry
installed, you can skip ahead
to the Installing Dependencies section. Otherwise, it is recommended to first go through the
Virtual Environment section to setup an environment with all the required tools.
If you don't operate inside a virtual environment, or only have access to an incompatible python version (<3.8), it is
recommended you create a virtual environment using conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate deep-learning-template
Once you have a python interpreter and poetry setup, simply install the project's dependencies:
poetry install
python run.py task=TASK model=MODEL datamodule=DATAMODULE
str: Task configuration to use for the run.model
str: Model configuration to use for the run.datamodule
str: Datamodule configuration to use for the run.
Once you've provided the required parameters described above, you can see detailed help on how to customize any other aspect of the configuration by running:
python run.py task=TASK model=MODEL datamodule=DATAMODULE --help
python run.py task=pixel_wise_autoencoding model=simple_ae datamodule=mnist
If you want to contribute to the project, then you have to install the pre-commit hooks, on top of the basic setup for using the project, detailed above. The pre-commit hooks are there to ensure that any code committed to the repository meets the project's format and quality standards.
pre-commit install
Be aware that for some pre-commit hooks to run correctly, poetry MUST be installed globally on the machine you'll be committing from. If you don't already have it installed globally, the instructions to do so are available here.