This is an extension for the OpenLineage project, providing a custom transporter for integrating OpenLineage with OpenMetadata. To use 'openMetadata' transport type, make sure that you have openlineage-spark jar and OpenLineage_OpenMetadata_Transporter jar in your classpath.
Lineage collected by OpenLineage will be transmitted to OpenMetadata through APIs, including:
- Create/update pipeline service.
- Create/update pipeline.
- Create/update lineage edge, connecting the inlet/outlet tables collected by OpenLineage to the pipeline.
- Update custom property "lastUpdateTime" for output tables.
Note: lineage will be reported only for tables that already exist in OpenMetadata metadata store.
Using the 'openMetadata' transport type requires adding the following spark configuration parameters:
Parameter | Definition | Example |
spark.openlineage.transport.type | The transport type used for event emit. Set to openMetadata to use OpenMetadata transport. |
openMetadata |
spark.openlineage.transport.auth.type | Authentication type when sending events to the OpenMetadata server | api_key |
spark.openlineage.transport.auth.apiKey | An API key to be used when sending events to the OpenMetadata server | abcdefghijk |
spark.openlineage.transport.timeout | Timeout for sending OpenLineage info in seconds. Default is 5 seconds. | 30 |
spark.openlineage.transport.url | The url of the OpenMetadata API server where events should be reported | http://my-openMetadata-staging |
spark.openlineage.transport.pipelineServiceName | Airflow pipeline service name, as defined in OpenMetadata. Will be created if it doesn't exist. | my-airflow-staging |
spark.openlineage.transport.pipelineUrl | The pipeline's url in Airflow, as defined in OpenMetadata. Will be created if it doesn't exist. | http://my-airflow-staging/tree?dag_id=my-etl |
spark.openlineage.transport.pipelineName | The pipeline's name, as defined in OpenMetadata. Will be created if it doesn't exist. | my-etl |
spark.openlineage.transport.airflowHost | Airflow uri. | http://my-airflow-staging |
spark.openlineage.transport.pipelineDescription | Optional pipeline description. | This is my ETL |