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Zhiyi Zhang edited this page Aug 10, 2019 · 2 revisions


PIN Challenge assumes the certificate requester and certificate authority can agree on a generated PIN in some out-of-band method. This document doesn't define any specific method how this agreement can be reached.

The operations of PIN Challenge can be summarized as follows:

  • Challenge selection
  • Reaching agreement out-of-band on PIN code
  • Challenge confirmation
  • Success or failure

An example of the overall process is shown in the following diagram:

   requester                                                                   CA
       |                                NEW STEP                                |
       |                                                                        |
       |   Interest /ndn/edu/ucla/CA/_NEW/[digest]                              |
       |   Param = {"eddh-pub", CertRequest},                                   |
       |   Signed by Requester                                                  |
       | ---------------------------------------------------------------------> |
       |                                                                        |
       |   Data, Content={"eddh-pub", "request-id", "status",                   |
       |                  "challenges" (contain "PIN")}                         |
       |   Signed by CA                                                         |
       | <----------------------------------------------------------------------|
       |                                                                        |
       |                             CHALLENGE STEP                             |
       |                                                                        |
       |   Interest /ndn/edu/ucla/CA/_CHALLENGE/[request-id]/[digest]           |
       |   Param = AES{"selected-challenge"},                                   |
       |   Signed by Requester                                                  |
       | ---------------------------------------------------------------------> |
       |                                                                        |
       |                                                        Generate PIN code
       |                                                                        |
       |   Data,                                                                |
       |   Content=AES{"status", "challenge-status",                            |
       |               "remaining-tries", "remaining-time"}                     |
       |   Signed by CA                                                         |
       | <--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
       |                                                                        |
       ~                                                                        |
Discover PIN code                                                               |
       ~                                                                        |
       |                                                                        |
       |   Interest /ndn/edu/ucla/CA/_CHALLENGE/[request-id]/[digest]           |
       |   Param = AES{"code"}                                                  |
       |   Signed by Requester                                                  |
       | ---------------------------------------------------------------------> |
       |                                                                        |
       |                                                                        |
       |   Data                                                                 |
       |   Content=AES{"status", "challenge-status",                            |
       |               "remaining-tries", "remaining-time"}                     |
       |   Signed by CA                                                         |
       | <--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
       |                                                                        |
  1. (Pre-knowledge) The requester build up the trust to CA (installed the CA's certificate).

  2. (Pre-knowledge) The requester determines from which CA certificate should be requested.

  1. (Pre-knowledge) The requester determines which type of CA (= how namespace is managed).

  2. If CA type requires/provides _PROBE capabilities, determine the available/allowed namespace for the sub-identity, e.g., /zhiyi/iphone.

  3. Generate a key-pair and the certificate request.

  1. Send _NEW command to the CA.
  1. Validate the signature of reply data. Get the request ID and available challenge list from data.

  2. Send _CHALLENGE command, selecting PIN as a challenge.

  1. Validate the signature of reply data.

  2. (Out-of-band) Reach agreement on PIN.

  3. Send _CHALLENGE command, confirming the PIN.

  1. Validate the signature of reply data. If response to _CHALLENGE is success, the requester can download the certificate using _DOWNLOAD. If response is pending, periodically send _CHALLENGE requests to update the status.