Author: Daniel Passos ([email protected])
Level: Beginner
Technologies: Java, Android, RHMAP
Summary: A template application which Initializes FeedHenry in a Fragment
Community Project : Feed Henry
Target Product: RHMAP
Product Versions: RHMAP 3.8.0+
Prerequisites: fh-android-sdk : 3.0.+, Android Studio : 1.4.0 or newer, Android SDK : 22+ or newer
This application provides a starting point for developing RHMAP applications. The FeedHenry SDK is initialized in the class InitFragment.
If you do not have access to a RHMAP instance, you can sign up for a free instance at
This application and its cloud services are available as a project template in RHMAP.
If you wish to contribute to this template, the following information may be helpful; otherwise, RHMAP and its build facilities are the preferred solution.
- fh-android-sdk : 3.0.+
- Android Studio : 1.4.0 or newer
- Android SDK : 16+
- Edit to include the relevant information from RHMAP.
- Attach running Android Device with API 16+ running
- ./gradlew installDebug
The FeedHenry SDK is initialized here in : InitFragment.