Бот для парсинга и анализа текста из википедии
На вход принимает ссылку на статью википедии. Например: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Алгоритм_Беллмана_—_Форда.
Доступные команды:
Use /start to start using this bot.
Use /enter_link to enter a link to the article you are interested in.
Use /enter_depth to enter the search depth.
Use /describe to get statistics on the article.
Use /describe " word " to get statistics on the word.
Use /world_cloud #"color" to get a cloud of words, where the color is a 16 bit number of length 6. For example /world_cloud #AAAAAA.
Use /top n asc/desc to get a list of the most frequently/rarely used words.
Use /stop_words to get a list of outlier words.