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Slick Additions

Helpers for Scala Slick



This module actually does not depend on Slick.

libraryDependencies += "io.github.nafg" %% "slick-additions-entity" % "latest.release"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.nafg" %%% "slick-additions-entity" % "latest.release"  // for Scala.js

It defines abstractions to separate unsafe, low-level database implementation details from your models.

For instance, suppose you have a Person model which consists of a name text field and a numeric age. You might store it in a person table that uses an auto-incremented BIGINT primary key. However, you might want to work with a Person that has not been saved yet and therefore has no ID.

You might have other models that can contain references to a Person. For example, you might have a Document model with an owner column. In the database it's just another BIGINT, except it has a referential integrity constraint ensuring that it points to a valid person record. In code, you don't want to be dealing with raw Longs. You want the owner field to have a type that ensures it refers to a Person.

Another way of looking at this is that sometimes we have data about a person (name and age) but not an ID, sometimes we have the ID of a person but not the data, and sometimes we have both. Also, some parts of the code need either the ID or the data and consider the other one optional.

We define an ADT / type hierarchy that allows you to be as concrete or abstract about this as appropriate, while remaining fully typesafe. All types are parameterized by K, the key type, and A, the value type.

EntityRef subclass hierarchy

  • EntityRef: the common base trait, not very useful on its own
  • Lookup: has a key, may or may not have a value. Useful for fields that represent a foreign key reference to another model.
  • Entity: has a value, may or may not have a key. Useful when working with values that may or may not have been saved already.
  • EntityKey: extends Lookup; has a key but no value. You can use this type statically to ensure equality is only comparing by key, for instance in a Map. When comparing explicitly you can just use the sameKey method.
  • KeylessEntity: extends Entity; has a value but no key.
  • KeyedEntity: extends Lookup and Entity; has a key and a value. This is a trait extended by two case classes, SavedEntity and ModifiedEntity. SavedEntity means it can be assumed that the entity is as it was in the database. ModifiedEntity means it was changed after it was retrieved. Usually you can use KeyedEntity as your static type (it has a apply and unapply methods) and if you care about whether it was modified you can check with the isSaved method. However, occasionally it may be useful to use one of the subtypes statically to communicate or to ensure if you're dealing with an entity that has changes that need to be saved.

To modify an entity use the modify method. Example:

import slick.additions.entity._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
def grow(personEnt: Entity[Long, Person]) = personEnt.modify(p => p.copy(age = p.age + 1))

SavedEntity#modify will return a ModifiedEntity.

If you need to make a change that shouldn't clear its "saved" status, use transform instead of modify.



// In build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.github.nafg" %% "slick-additions" % "latest.release"

// In your codebase, use a custom Profile. For example:
import slick.jdbc._
import slick.additions.AdditionsProfile
trait SlickProfile 
    extends PostgresProfile // Replace with your database
      with AdditionsProfile {
  object myApi extends API with AdditionsApi
  override val api = myApi
object SlickProfile extends SlickProfile

// Then, wherever you import the Slick API, import it from there
import SlickProfile.api._


Mix this into your Table to be able to infer the names of columns, indexes, and foreign keys from the name of the val or def (uses You'll need an implicit slick.additions.NameStyle.

If your names in code are camelCased and your database names are snake_case, just use AutoNameSnakify. It will supply NameStyle.Snakify as the implicit.

For a name to be inferred, use column instead of col, foreignKey instead of foreign, and index instead of idx.


Saves boilerplate defining an Entity-based Slick table, especially when combined with AutoName.


object People extends EntityTableModule[Long, Person]("material") {
  class Row(tag: Tag) extends BaseEntRow(tag) with AutoNameSnakify {
    val name = col[String]
    val age = col[Int]
    def mapping = (name, age).mapTo[Person]

The TableQuery is defined for you as val Q, so you'd use it as, e.g., People.Q

EntityTableModule is built on EntityTable.

EntityTable / EntTableQuery

Simplifies defining tables based on slick-additions-entity.


class People(tag: Tag) extends EntityTable[Long, Person](tag, "doctor_contact") with AutoNameSnakify {
  val name = col[String]
  val age = col[Int]

  override def mapping = (name, age).mapTo[Person]
  override def tableQuery = People

object People extends EntTableQuery[Long, Person, People](new People(_))

EntityTable builds on KeyedTable.

KeyedTable / KeyedTableQuery

Useful for abstracting over tables that have a separate primary key column.



Alternative code generator, based on Scalameta. Pretty incomplete but very easy to extend, in your own codebase or by sending a PR.

Example usage:

// In build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.github.nafg" %% "slick-additions-codegen" % "latest.release"

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import slick.jdbc.meta._
import slick.additions.codegen._

trait MyCodegenRulesBase extends EntityGenerationRules {
  override def includeTable(table: MTable) = == "public") && != "flyway_schema_history"

object MyModelsCodeGenRules extends MyCodegenRulesBase {
  override def packageName = "myapp.models"
  override def container = "models"
  override def extraImports = "myapp.JsonCodecs._" :: super.extraImports
object MyTablesCodeGenRules extends MyCodegenGenRulesBase {
  override def packageName = "myapp.tables"
  override def container = "Tables"
  override def extraImports = "myapp.models._" :: "myapp.SlickColumnMappings._" :: super.extraImports

object MyModelsCodeGenerator extends KeylessModelsCodeGenerator with CirceJsonCodecModelsCodeGenerator
object MyTablesCodeGenerator extends EntityTableModulesCodeGenerator

val slickConfig = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("slick.dbs.default")
MyModelsCodeGenerator.doWriteToFile(baseDir, slickConfig, MyModelsCodeGenRules)
MyTablesCodeGenerator.doWriteToFile(baseDir, slickConfig, MyTablesCodeGenRules)


Provides a TestContainers instance of PostgreSQL with convenience methods for using Slick to access it.


Helpers for the Slick database access library







No packages published

Contributors 4

