Vertical timeline which i created for a personal project. Created using Gulp and Sass.
To free edit install all dependencies:
$ npm install
Use the default task from Gulp for run all tasks:
$ gulp
And for watch changes in project use:
$ gulp watch
If you can use timeline in your project, first add the timeline stylesheet or import via Sass
HTML - you can see the compiled file here
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles-path/timeline.css">
SCSS - import the scss file into your base file: timeline.scss
. if you use this way, copy _mixins.scss
same folder.
@import 'styles-path/timeline';
Each timeline box content is used within timeline-item
, to create ilimited boxes, copy and paste all content from timeline-item
Paste the following markup in your main file.
<!-- Timeline -->
<div id="timeline">
<!-- Timeline Item, copy from here to create various boxes -->
<div class="timeline-item">
<!--Icon inside the circle-->
<div class="timeline-icon">
<img src="assets/images/star.svg" alt="">
<!-- Content from timeline box and position (right or left)-->
<div class="timeline-content right">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Atque, facilis quo maiores magnam modi ab libero praesentium blanditiis.
<a href="#" class="btn">button</a>