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Snapp Application Assignment

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


Folder Structure

├── public/
│ ├── default-robot.png
│ └── index.html
└── src/
├── api/ ==> axios instance, interceptors and api functions
├── components/ ==> contains reusable components
├── contexts/ ==> contains ParamsContext which is responsible for storing the state of url search params and providing the state and actions to change the state to components
├── hooks/ ==> contains reusable hooks for app
│ │
│ └── usePagination ==> responsible for calculating current page, total number of pages and an array of 5 numbers - or total number of pages if we have less than 5 pages - with the current page as the middle number, based on circumstances - at the first of last  3 pages- current page may not be at center of this array.
│ │
│ ├── useParamParser ==> responsible for responding to changes of url search params state - held in ParamsContext - and add/remove or update params in url using `useSearchParams` from `react-router-dom`. The change in url will result in invalidating the contact list data in `ContactsList` component and refetching the data with new search params.
├── pages/ ==>
│ │
│ └── Contact/ ==> contains all the components for contact details page
│ │
│ ├── Home/ ==> contains all the components which gives home page the UI and all the functionality which includes: show/filter/sort list, pagination, change items per page
├── store/ ==> a redux store which holds the frequent visited contacts, when contact details page is visited and data retrieval is successful, an action would be dispatched to add the contact to the `frequentContacts` array, if the contact is included in the array - it has been visited before - it would be moved to the first position, if not, it will be added to the array. The `frequentContacts` array would hold 4 contacts at max.
├── styles/ ==> contains styles for the app
│ │
│ └── global => a set of normalizing styles created via styled components, added to app in `AppProviders` component
│ │
│ ├── styles => tailwind styles, added to app in `index.tsx` as the initializer of app
├── types/ ==> contains global type definitions for app
├── utils/ ==> contains reusable function such as date convertor
├── App.tsx => contains routes of the app
├── AppProviders.tsx ==> contains all global providers of the app, such as router, redux and react-query
└── index.tsx ==> initiates react and calls App component

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start or npm run start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


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