A program that can track player statistics for a Basketball Game
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When the program is launched from BasketballMain
the Home Screen is created and is
shown below:
The settings window features several Radio Button groups to change the configurations of the game. There is also the option of changing the background color of the program. The settings window is shown below:
If the number of players entered in the Home Screen is greater the number of starters selected in the settings window, then you will need to choose who will start in your game.
Clicking on the player names will add them to a list of players currently selected to start the game. You will only be able to start the game once you have selected the appropriate number of starters.
If the number of players entered equals the number of starters specified (either by default or in the settings) then you will be directed to this window after clicking the Start Game button in the Home Screen or if the game you are loading with the Old Games button had as many players as starters specified.
If the number of players entered was greater than the number of starters specified, then you were redirected to the Starter Selection window where you chose your starters. Once you pressed the Start Game button there, you will be redirected to an alternate version of the Roster Management window with starters and a bench. Players who foul out of the game have their button marked red and disabled. If the foul that got that player ejected is removed through the Undo Button, then that player's button will become enabled and will be colored light gray to show they are back on the bench and can be substituted in. If only five players remain (or however many starters were specified in the Settings) due to player ejections or injuries, then no player that has fouled out will be allowed into the game, contrary to the NBA Rule where the first player who fouled out comes back into the game.
The window that appears when the Box Score Button is pressed. It shows all player statistics in the traditional 'Box Score' format. The table is shown below:
There are some additional features in the Roster Management window. When a player's button is clicked (who is on the court), a new window will open that allows the user to select from all possible statistics. Pressing on any statistic will increment that statistic for the given player by the correct amount. This window is shown below:
Some statistics increment several other statistics when they are incremented:
- Made FG
- Made 3pt FG
For example, if a Made 3pt FG is selected, then Points, Made FG, FGA, Made 3pt FG, and 3PA are all incremented as well.
The program incorporates several features to make statistical tracking quicker during actual game play. Hotkeys are shown in square brackets for quicker statistic entries and several statistics have built in functionality to avoid redundancy. Made Shots, Missed Shots and Blocks will ask the user if the shot was Assisted, Offensive Rebounded, or Defensive Rebounded respectively.
For Example: If the statistic is a missed shot, then the user is asked if the shot was rebounded by a teammate, if that is the case, then the user will be asked who got the reboudn. These windows are shown below:
Did a team member get the Offensive Rebound? | Who got the Rebound? |
If the Roster Management window has a bench panel on it, then clicking on one of the players on the bench will open a window that will ask the user to substitute the player that was clicked into the game. The window is shown below:
If there was a mistake when entering a statistic, it is possible to undo this mistake with the Undo Button. When clicked, a window will open with a bar at the top allowing the user to chose from any period of the game. If that period has not yet started, then those buttons will be disabled. When the desired period button is clicked, a list of buttons will appear each showing the statistics entered in chronological order. Clicking on a statistic will close the window and remove that statistic. The window is shown below: