These are my handmade Ansible roles made for deploy a fully operational Linux environment for Desktop/Daily driver use or Server.
- bootstrap → Prepare a Linux environment for anything.
- Configure the package manager.
- Upgrade all packages.
- Install the essential tools and libraries.
- Configure swap and zRAM.
- gnome → Install and configure GNOME Desktop Environment.
- Extensions support.
- Dconf.
- Kvantum theming for QT.
- fonts → Install fonts for any desktop environment.
- multimedia → Install multimedia tools, players and codecs.
- docker → Install Docker (Community Edition) container engine.
- kvm → Install and configure a KVM + Libvirt virtualization environment.
- virtualbox → Install VirtualBox virtualization environment.
- java → Install OpenJDK runtime environment and development kit.
- pipkgs → Install some pip packages.
- nodejs → Install NodeJS runtime environment.
- wine → Install Wine.
- vscode → Install VSCode and some extensions.
- anydesk → Install AnyDesk.
- teamviewer → Install TeamViewer.
- mytools → Install some tools and programs.
This entire repository is licensed under the BSD license.
Hi! I'm n0ct1s, a Junior Site Reliability Engineer, geek and tech enthusiast from Cartagena (Southeast Spain). Also I play the oboe as my main discipline in the Professional Music School of my city. I enjoy going for a walk to rest and disconnect as sometimes my mind needs to shut down like my production services.