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Releases: mysto/python-fpe


13 Mar 14:49
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2

Added console scripts for CLI usage

31 Dec 04:02
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This is a minor update of the Mysto FF3 format-preserving encryption library. This release has made no changes to encryption or decryption but offers some additional features for ease of use.

What's Changed

  • Added ff3_encrypt and ff3_decrypt scripts for command line usage
  • Converted build to use setup.cfg and removed requirements.txt
  • Improved

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1

Initial release with FF3 and FF3-1

27 Oct 21:57
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This is the initial production stable release of the Mysto FF3 format-preserving encryption library. This release includes NIST and ACVP test vector for both FF3 with 64-bit tweaks and FF3-1 with 56-bit tweaks.

What's Changed

  • ACVP FF3-1 test vectors
  • Added custom alphabet support with static factory method withCustomAlphabet()
  • Updated by @PuspenduBanerjee and @maresb
  • Added regular python related gitignores, added by @PuspenduBanerjee in #8
  • Add misc. test by @maresb in #11
  • Properly install as a package with dependency (1/3) by @maresb in #14

New Contributors

  • Puspendu Banerjee
  • Ben Mares @maresb

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v1.0.0


17 Mar 14:58
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updated example