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CodeFellows 401 iOS Advanced Development Group Project

General Information

Team Name: The Freeloaders

Team Members: Alex Cahn, Annie Ton-Nu, and Jake Romer

Project Overview and Concept

Drawing inspiration from the UX of apps like OfferUp and LetGo, BuyNothing aims to give the Buy Nothing Project a home in an app.

The Buy Nothing Project’s mission is to enable a hyper-local gift economy, in order to curb needless consumption, engender human connection, and promote sustainability.

Our app contributes to this mission by making the experience of offering and accepting gifts as safe and friction-free as possible.

Minimum Viable Product

User stories:

Since this is essentially a two-sided marketplace, we have two User personas, Listers (the “sellers”) and Searchers (“buyers”). (An interesting wrinkle here is that in some sense the Listers are themselves receiving a service—probing that may bear fruit.)

  • As a Lister, In order to keep my life clutter-free as easily as possible, I want to snap a photo of things I want to be rid of and have someone come pick it up to take it away.

  • As a Lister, I want to provides my services to the community as a way to hone my skills, connect with people as well as giving back to the community.

  • As a Searcher, In order to fill a specific need, I want to easily see listings for free items and details relevant to making a decision to invest the time into picking it up.


  • Users sign up via Facebook (doubles as rough form of identity verification)
  • Lister can upload listing with a description and duration (includes editing)


  • Listing automatically expire after the duration period passes (creates a sense of urgency)
  • Searcher can search by keyword


  • Searcher can signal wanting an item, Lister can see a queue of interested Searchers
  • Lister can see a map displaying the item’s relative location

Stretch Goals (rough priority ordering)

  • Rating / Karma system
  • Category drop down menu
  • Chat between users
  • Image / profile flagging
  • Searcher can receive notifications based on keyword watchlist
  • Users can receive notifications based on their current location
  • Scheduling / calendar integration
  • Integration with delivery service? Postmates?
  • Lister can select who to give it to randomly

Frameworks and Libraries

  • UIKit
  • Facebook Login
  • CloudKit
  • MapKit
  • CoreLocation (for user location)