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The COWAS (co-expression-wide association study) method identifies pairs of co-expressed proteins that are associated with disease.


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Overview of COWAS

This repository provides a set of tools for performing co-expression-wide association studies (COWAS). The goal of COWAS is to test for association between disease and the genetically regulated component of gene or protein co-expression. Here we will always refer to protein expression, but all of the concepts and tools equally apply to gene expression as well.

COWAS is run on one pair of proteins at a time. First, three models are trained on an individual-level reference dataset. One model predicts the expression of the first protein, another model predicts the expression of the second protein, and the third model predicts the conditional co-expression of the two proteins. Then the fitted model weights are used to impute the expression level of each protein and their co-expression into summary-level disease GWAS data. Finally, disease status is jointly tested for association with the imputed expression and co-expression levels. By considering the effect of protein-protein interactions on disease in addition to direct effects, COWAS can identify novel disease-relevant proteins and aid in the interpretation of GWAS findings.


  1. Download and unpack the COWAS repository from GitHub.
unzip && rm
mv cowas-main cowas && cd cowas
  1. Launch R and install the required packages optparse and data.table. If you wish to train your own ridge, lasso, or elastic net models then also install the package glmnet. If you wish to utilize parallel computation in glmnet then also install the package doMC. We used R 4.4.0, optparse 1.7.5, data.table 1.15.4, glmnet 4.1.8, and doMC 1.3.8.
> install.packages(c("optparse", "data.table", "glmnet", "doMC"))
  1. Download PLINK 2.00 and place it in a directory on your PATH. We used PLINK v2.00a6LM AVX2 AMD (9 Jun 2024).
unzip && rm
sudo mv plink2 /usr/local/bin/

Usage guide

This section describes how to perform a co-expression-wide association study (COWAS) for any disease or phenotype of interest.

Running COWAS with pre-trained weights

Training your own prediction models

If you have access to a dataset with individual-level genotype and gene/protein expression data, you can train your own co-expression prediction models. Model training is performed for one pair of proteins at a time using the script cowas_train.R, which can be run directly from the command line. To view the required inputs and the documentation for each command-line option, run ./cowas_train.R --help.

The cowas_train.R script will save fitted model weights to an RDS file named <PROTEIN_A>-<PROTEIN_B>.weights.rds in the specified output directory. The RDS file stores a list of three named vectors, which contain genetic variant weights for the two single-protein models and the co-expression model. This RDS file can be directly used as input for the cowas.R script to perform TWAS and COWAS association tests. In addition to saving model weights, cowas_train.R will also write model performance metrics to a tab-separated file named performance_metrics.tsv within the specified output directory. (Note that if this file already exists, a new line will be appended to its end.) The performance metrics file contains one line per protein pair and the following nine columns:

  1. Name or identifier of the first protein (i.e. <PROTEIN_A>)
  2. Name or identifier of the second protein (i.e. <PROTEIN_B>)
  3. Full sample size
  4. Number of variants with nonzero weights in the PROTEIN_A model
  5. Correlation between measured and predicted expression for PROTEIN_A, evaluated on a held-out 20% test set
  6. Number of variants with nonzero weights in the PROTEIN_B model
  7. Correlation between measured and predicted expression for PROTEIN_B, evaluated on a held-out 20% test set
  8. Number of variants with nonzero weights in the co-expression model
  9. Correlation between estimated and predicted co-expression, evaluated on a held-out 20% test set

In practice, you will probably want to use a shell script to automatically run cowas_train.R on all protein pairs in a specified list. We provide the script utils/ to do just that. For each protein pair, this script will automatically extract predictor variants from a PLINK-format file, convert their genotypes to the required format for COWAS, and then run cowas_train.R. All of the necessary parameters are set as environmental variables at the top of the script; see the accompanying comments for usage instructions.

Variant screening tips

The cowas_train.R script will use all variants in the provided genotype matrices as model inputs. Thus, you need to select which genetic variants to use as predictors for each protein before running cowas_train.R or We considered three approaches for pre-screening variants:

  1. Variants selected by effect size. One approach is to select genetic variants that have the strongest effect sizes on protein expression. First, componentwise regression is performed to compute the marginal correlation between each standardized feature (genetic variant) and the response (protein expression). Then the features are ranked by the absolute values of their correlations, and the top $d$ (e.g. top 100) are selected as predictors.
  2. Variants selected by $P$-value. Instead of ranking features by their correlation with the response, they can be ranked by their marginal association $P$-value. That is, the top $d$ (e.g. top 100) most significant pQTLs for the given protein can be used as predictors. Alternatively, one may wish to include all variants that pass a nominal significance threshold.
  3. Variants located near the gene coding for the given protein. Since most of the genetic heritability of expression is explained by cis-QTLs, the two previous approaches can be restricted to variants that act locally on the gene coding for the given protein. For example, one may wish to include variants within a 500 kb window of the gene boundaries. If you're using the UK Biobank plasma proteomics (UKB-PPP) data, you can find the start and end positions for all genes encoding the assayed proteins at!Synapse:syn52364558. (Note, however, that the positions given in that file are on the GRCh38 build, while the UK Biobank genotype data are on the GRCh37 build.)

We provide the shell script utils/ for computing variant-protein associations for all proteins in the UKB-PPP dataset, and it can be easily modified for use with other datasets as well. The resulting summary statistics are saved to protein-specific, tab-separated files named pqtls/<GENE_NAME>.sumstats.tsv with one line per variant and the following six columns: #CHROM, POS, ID, A1, BETA, P. These summary statistics can then be filtered to select predictors for the expression imputation models according to either the strength of their correlation (BETA) or the significance of their association (P).

Appendix: Data preparation and QC

This section describes how to obtain and prepare the data we used in our paper.

UK Biobank downloads

To obtain individual-level data from the UK Biobank you will need to submit an application through the Access Management System (AMS). After your application is approved, follow the UK Biobank documentation to download, unpack, and extract the following data fields:

  • Data-Field 31 within Category 100094 (self-reported sex)
  • Data-Field 54 within Category 100024 (UK Biobank assessment center)
  • Data-Field 21003 within Category 100024 (age when attended assessment center)
  • Data-Field 22000 within Category 100313 (genotype measurement batch)
  • Data-Field 22006 within Category 100313 (indicator for individuals who self-identified as White British and have very similar genetic ancestry)
  • Data-Field 22020 within Category 100313 (indicator for unrelated, high-quality samples used in PCA calculation)
  • Data-Field 22828 within Category 100319 (WTCHG imputed genotypes)
  • Data-Field 30900 within Category 1839 (UKB-PPP proteomics data)

Next, use PLINK to convert the genotype data to PLINK 2 binary format. Our QC scripts assume that the genotype data are stored in chromosome-specific files with filenames ukb_chr<CHR>.pgen + ukb_chr<CHR>.psam + ukb_chr<CHR>.pvar. Furthermore, we assume that the proteomics data are stored in a tab-separated file named olink_data.tsv beginning with a header line and containing the following four columns: eid, ins_index, protein_id, result. Finally, we assume that the remaining data fields listed above are stored in a single tab-separated file named ukb_main_dataset.tsv beginning with a header line and containing the following 13 columns: f.eid, f.31.0.0, f.54.0.0, f.54.1.0, f.54.2.0, f.54.3.0, f.21003.0.0, f.21003.1.0, f.21003.2.0, f.21003.3.0, f.22000.0.0, f.22006.0.0, f.22020.0.0. Copy all of these files to a new subfolder named data_raw within your main COWAS folder.

You will also need Data-Coding 143, which is a flat list containing gene names for each assayed protein. Download the file coding143.tsv from and place it in data_raw.

GWAS summary statistics

For Alzheimer's disease, we used GWAS summary statistics data from the European Alzheimer & Dementia Biobank consortium (Bellenguez et al. 2022). The summary-level associations can be downloaded from Place the unpacked file GCST90027158_buildGRCh38.tsv in data_raw.

For Parkinson's disease, we used GWAS summary statistics data from the International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium (Nalls et al. 2019). The summary-level associations can be downloaded from Place the unpacked file GCST009325.h.tsv in data_raw.

For LDL cholesterol levels, we used GWAS summary statistics data from the Global Lipids Genetics Consortium (Graham et al. 2021). Note that this study provides multi-ancestry as well as ancestry-specific results, but we only considered the European results in order to match the genetic ancestry of the UK Biobank. The summary-level associations can be downloaded from Place the unpacked file LDL_INV_EUR_HRC_1KGP3_others_ALL.meta.singlevar.results in data_raw.

Data processing script

Run the shell script qc/ from within the main COWAS folder to process the downloaded data. This script will perform the following data wrangling and quality control steps:

  1. Create the file pairs/all_protein_pairs.tsv listing all possible pairs of proteins that have data available, with one pair per row.
  2. Filter the main dataset to obtain a set of high-quality, unrelated, White British samples with per-sample genotyping rate > 99%. Filter the proteomics data to obtain the set of samples assessed at the initial visit. Then subset the genotype data, proteomics data, and covariate data to a common set of samples.
  3. Remove variants from the UK Biobank genotype data that have a missingness rate > 10%, have an MAC < 100, have an MAF < 1%, fail a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test ($P &lt; 10^{-15}$), lack an rsID, or are palindromic. Next, prune the remaining variants to $R^2 &lt; 0.8$ with a 1,000 bp window and a step size of 100 bp. The quality-controlled genotype data are saved to the files genotypes.pgen + genotypes.psam + genotypes.pvar within the subfolder data_cleaned.
  4. Compute the top 20 genetic principal components from the quality-controlled genotype data. Following best practices, before computing PCs we further remove all variants in regions of long-range LD and then prune the remaining ones to a strict threshold of $R^2 &lt; 0.1$ with a 1,000 bp window and a step size of 100 bp.
  5. Create the file data_cleaned/covariates.tsv with one row per sample and 48 columns for sample ID, age, age^2, sex, age * sex, age^2 * sex, UK Biobank assessment center (coded as 21 binary dummy variables), genotyping array (binary), and the first 20 genetic PCs. Save the protein NPX levels to the file data_cleaned/proteins.tsv with one row per sample and one column per protein.
  6. For each GWAS, remove any rows that have duplicated rsIDs. After this, subset the quality-controlled genotype data and the GWAS data to a common set of variants, and flip the GWAS effect alleles and effect sizes to match ALT alleles in the genotype data. The fully processed GWAS summary statistics, as well as copies of the genotype data subset to variants present in each GWAS, are saved to the subfolder data_cleaned.

The data_raw subfolder can be deleted after the preprocessing script successfully finishes.


The COWAS (co-expression-wide association study) method identifies pairs of co-expressed proteins that are associated with disease.





