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Releases: mybatis/guice

Mybatis Guice 4.0.0

29 Jan 00:44
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  • Jakarta namespace

Mybatis Guice 3.18 Release

03 Dec 01:40
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  • Supports Mybatis 3.5.11

Mybatis Guice 3.17 Release

19 Feb 00:14
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  • Add failover mode and load balancing mode of MariaDB connector
  • Set slf4j back to 1.7.x line
  • Use nullable from spotbugs-annotations rather than legacy jsr305
  • General build updates and library updates

Mybatis Guice 3.16 Release

27 Oct 04:27
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  • There is a gab between this and last release 3.13 due to some issues pushing release. Therefore 3.16 is next.
  • General library updates - needed to get jdk 17 support usage directly on guice.
  • Build related updates


16 Mar 13:36
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3.12 maintenance release

  • Adds support for HikariCP.
  • Replaces Apache Commons DBCP version 1 by Apache Commons DBCP version 2. Some properties are replaced.
    maxActive -> maxTotal;
    maxWait -> maxWaitMillis;
    maxIdle removed;
    minEvictableIdleTimeMillis -> defaultMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis;
    numTestsPerEvictionRun -> defaultNumTestsPerEvictionRun;
    testOnBorrow -> defaultTestOnBorrow;
    testOnReturn -> defaultTestOnReturn;
    testWhileIdle -> defaultTestWhileIdle;
    timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis -> defaultTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis;
    maxActive -> defaultMaxTotal;
    maxIdle -> defaultMaxIdle;
    maxWait -> defaultMaxWaitMillis;
    @PerUserMaxActive -> @PerUserMaxTotal;
    @PerUserMaxWait -> @PerUserMaxWaitMillis;
    minEvictableIdleTimeMillis -> defaultMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis;
    numTestsPerEvictionRun -> defaultNumTestsPerEvictionRun;
    testOnBorrow -> defaultTestOnBorrow;
    testOnReturn -> defaultTestOnReturn;
    testWhileIdle -> defaultTestWhileIdle;
    timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis -> defaultTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis;
    maxActive -> defaultMaxTotal;
    maxIdle -> defaultMaxIdle;
    maxWait -> defaultMaxWaitMillis;
  • Removed support for BoneCP.


09 Mar 19:05
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3.11 maintenance release

  • Allow TxTransactionalMethodInterceptor to commit the transaction on some exceptions.
  • Fixes use of Configuration provider.
  • Fixes OSGI imports.


09 Sep 21:36
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3.10 maintenance release

  • Allow Druid connection properties to be set using an instance of Properties.
  • Make JdbcUrlAntFormatter class public to allow users to format their custom URLs like in JdbcHelper.
  • Fixes following configuration properties for BoneCP data source.
    • idleConnectionTestPeriod
    • idleConnectionTestPeriodInMinutes
    • idleConnectionTestPeriodInSeconds
    • Fixes #111
  • Fixes ProvisionException when setting login timeout for BasicDataSource
  • Fixes use of data source name configuration property for SharedPoolDataSourceProvider.
  • Fixes generic types in PerUserPoolDataSourceModule.
  • Fixes readOnly property for Druid data source.
  • Removed dependency on guice multibindings.


06 Jan 13:56
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3.9 maintenance release

  • Restored setting configuration using properties. Only properties that existed in version 3.7 will be supported in the future.
  • Fixes constructor injection for TypeHandlers.
  • Added support for Druid data source.


25 Aug 16:20
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3.8 maintenance release

  • Default Environment ID for XML configuration changed from "development" to the value of "default" attribute of <environments> element.
  • Added support for Druid data source.
  • Configuration can be customized using ConfigurationSetting interface.


25 Aug 16:18
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3.7.1 maintenance release

  • Fixes concurrency error with JTA.