This repository contains my dotfiles, which are configuration files for various programs and tools that I use on my system. I manage these dotfiles using GNU Stow, a symlink farm manager, which helps me organize and deploy these configurations across different machines easily.
To deploy these dotfiles on your system:
Clone this repository to your home directory:
git clone ~/dotfiles
Navigate to the cloned repository:
cd ~/dotfiles
Use GNU Stow to symlink the desired configurations. For example, to symlink the Bash and Vim configurations:
stow bash vim
with the names of the directories containing configurations you want to deploy.
After symlinking the configurations using GNU Stow, the dotfiles will be effectively deployed on your system. Any changes made to these files within the repository will reflect on your system instantly.
To add new configurations or update existing ones:
Add or modify the configuration files within the respective directories in the repository.
Re-run the
command for the configurations you've updated:stow bash vim
This will update the symlinks accordingly.
Feel free to suggest improvements or contribute to this repository by opening issues or pull requests. Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the configurations as you see fit.