Usage of bcrypt-password-checker:
-cost int
cost (aka rounds) (default 10)
-file string
file to scan for matching hashes, - for STDIN
-hash string
bcrypt hash
-password string
the password to check hash against
go install
Hash a given password:
# password from command line
bcrypt-password-checker -password abc123xyz
# read password from terminal ( -file != '-')
Check if password matches a given hash:
bcrypt-password-checker -password abc123xyz -hash '$2a$10$HRw/ZX4iAZaBWnF.OYMYd.hOBsqeAxulYAHt/xuC/B17Ch5Ia16ji'
Check file for hashes, print out all hashes that match the given password:
bcrypt-password-checker -password abc123xyz -file