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Innova-2 XCKU15P FPGA DDR4 Troubleshooting Bitstreams and Guide


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Innova-2 XCKU15P FPGA DDR4 Troubleshooting

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The Innova-2 Flex MNV303212A-ADLT has five MT40A1G16 DDR4 ICs with D9WFR FBGA Code on the board for 8GB of DDR4.

DDR4 Memory ICs on MNV303212A-ADLT

I have seen an MNV303212A-ADIT variant in the wild and an MNV303212A-ADAT variant exists. These boards have MT40A512M16 DDR4 ICs with D9TBK FBGA Code for 4GB of total DDR4. I do not have access to such a board for testing. Refer to this issue for any progress on testing these boards. Using the 4GB variant may be as simple as recompiling Innova-2 projects with the MT40A512M16LY-075 as the DDR4 Memory Part. The test_adit_mt40a512m16 directory contains the innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio project recompiled for the MT40A512M16LY-075 with only one active DDR4 8-bit byte lane.

DDR4 Memory ICs on MNV303212A-ADIT

DDR4 Communication Error

If you attempt to send data to the DDR4 address but get write file: Unknown error 512 it likely means DDR4 did not initialize properly. Start by performing a cold reboot and checking communication again. The innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio project and all troubleshooting bitstreams have DDR4 at address 0x0 but if you made any changes to the design confirm in the Vivado Block Design Address Editor that it is still 0.

Confirm Address is Correct

If BRAM and GPIO communication succeed but DDR4 fails then the issue is with DDR4.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=8192 of=TEST
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x0 --size 8192  -f    TEST

Error 512

A copy of Xilinx's PG150 Memory IP Guide is useful to have.

Load the ddr4_0_ex Bitstream and Connect JTAG

ddr4_0_ex is Xilinx's Example Design for DDR4. It includes an Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and access to calibration details.

Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project's instructions on Loading a User Image and load the included innova2_ddr4_0_ex bitstream onto the Innova-2's Configuration Memory.

cd ddr4_0_ex
md5sum *bin
echo 17875fbea8e5e3426092b44884dbf717 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_0_ex_primary.bin
echo e182409813ddd130f50b2faa3257a5bb should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_0_ex_secondary.bin

Connect your Xilinx-Compatible 1.8V JTAG Adapter to view DDR4 calibration status.

JTAG Adapter Connected

Start Vivado or Vivado Lab Edition Hardware Manager.

Open Vivado Hardware Manager

Open Target and Auto Connect.

Open Target and Auto Connect

Click on MIG_1 to view DDR4 calibration status. I do not know if the ddr4_0_ex design continues testing past the first fault. Byte Lane 1 is shown to have a fault.


I encountered a Write Leveling failure.

CAL FAIL Write Leveling

If calibration finishes successfully you will see something like the following:


For other types of failures, continue by enabling the ILA and explore Xilinx's DDR4 Issues Page and the Xilinx DDR4 Design Hub.

Click on Specify Debug Probes in the Trigger Setup window.

ILA Specify Debug Probes

Select the included debug_nets.ltx.

Select debug_nets.ltx

Select the Run Trigger button to re-start the DDR4 calibration sequence and capture critical signal waveforms.

hw_ila_1 Run Trigger

CAL FAIL Write Leveling

Write Leveling calibrates clock to Data Strobe (DQS) signal timings. DDR4 uses a fly-by wiring topology for control and address signals but point-to-point for Data Strobe (DQS), Data Mask (DM), and Data Byte Lanes (DQ). It is worthwhile to test individual byte lanes on a Write Leveling error as it is unlikely every memory IC is broken. Some of the memory address space may still be usable.

There are five MT40A1G16KNR-075 ICs with D9WFR FBGA Code on the board which each have two x8 dies. The full memory interface is 72-Bit (64-Bit + ECC) so only 9 of the 10 dies are used.

DDR4 Overview

The Xilinx DDR4 IP only allows 8, 16, 32, 64, and 72 bit (64-bit with ECC) wide DDR4 interfaces. Therefore you can have 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, or 8GB with ECC of memory space. Bank 66 is the main Address/Control/Byte-Lane-0 bank while Bank 67 is for Byte Lanes 3, 4, 5, and 6. Bank 68 is for Byte Lanes 1, 2, 7, and 8.

DDR4 Banks

I first tested a slower version of the DDR4 memory interface, DDR4-1400 which runs at 700MHz. I also got a Write Leveling Calibration error.


I also connected ddr4_ui_clk to the divide-by-2^27 counter to blink the D18 LED if the DDR4 block is active.

ddr4_ui_clk connect to counter

Test the Various Byte Lane Combinations

In the bitstreams directory are bitstreams with different combinations of interface width and byte lanes used. They are zipped to reduce download size. The associated project tcl and constraint files can be sourceed in Vivado to re-create the associated designs.

Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project's instructions on Loading a User Image to load and then test each bitstream.

For example, a bitstream containing a modified innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio project with 1GB 8-bit wide DDR4 using only byte lane 0 is in

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 97b4adfa0435bbc22c436da3c2168123 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-0_primary.bin
echo 3cff1eff537d89a4361b2cce325feecf should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-0_secondary.bin

After loading the bitstream as the Innova-2's User Image and rebooting, run the following commands to test the XDMA-to-BRAM PCIe connection, blink the LED, and then copy some data to and from DDR4 ICs.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8192 count=1 of=TEST
echo -n -e "\xff" >ff.bin  ;  echo -n -e "\x00" >00.bin
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x200100000 --size 8192 -f     TEST
sudo ./dma_from_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x200100000 --size 8192 --file RECV
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x200110000 --size 1    -f     ff.bin
sleep 1
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x200110000 --size 1    -f     00.bin
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x0         --size 8192 -f     TEST
sudo ./dma_from_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x0         --size 8192 --file RECV
md5sum TEST RECV

DDR4 ByteLane Testing

Afterwards, enable the Innova-2 Flex Image, reboot, and load the next bitstream.

sudo mst start
cd ~/Innova_2_Flex_Open_18_12/driver/
sudo ./make_device
cd ~
sudo insmod /usr/lib/modules/5.8.0-43-generic/updates/dkms/mlx5_fpga_tools.ko
sudo ~/Innova_2_Flex_Open_18_12/app/innova2_flex_app -v

Enable Flex Image

The process of loading a bitstream, rebooting, testing, enabling the Flex Image, rebooting, loading a bitstream, etc. takes about 10 minutes. Expect to spend about 2 hours testing every byte lane combination bitstream.

Continue testing the single byte-lane 8bit-wide DDR4 designs with 1GB of memory capacity.

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo bb745d726307d82bcc928b0ade1b16e0 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-3_primary.bin
echo dadb8a9e26060786b1190254dc48a6cf should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-3_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 0d0e3e6d4d93fa045b42b90f063a1c80 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-4_primary.bin
echo a4dcaee800436b29aba1be783241ca08 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-4_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 2944b78f8599f993e678074c646a1749 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-5_primary.bin
echo c7584081ec9f56e9b2b7484862ddb4f0 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-5_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 760c27b828931cadabc7dd4af73bb291 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-6_primary.bin
echo d80db60d583ea83db4101dfdb6890832 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-6_secondary.bin

The 16bit-wide 2GB versions of the DDR4 interface must use Byte Lanes from Bank 67 and Bank 68. Banks used must be contiguous. You cannot skip Bank 67 and use Banks 66 and 68. To cut down on the number of byte-lane combinations I use Byte Lane 3 from Bank 67 to test Bank 68 lanes.

If your board fails the 8bit Byte-Lane-3 bitstream above then choose a different, working byte lane from Bank66 and create new bitstreams by sourceing one of the ddr4_8bit .tcl files in Vivado and editing the constraints .xdc file appropriately.

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 2c5826523ced56401e599399b33aa4d9 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-1-3_primary.bin
echo 4013a26b3ae4432d74f563dc2482f30b should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-1-3_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 4dbd91cc54dce835fb53134bffc2cca8 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-2-3_primary.bin
echo 2fd1261ffcc5d8697909a8ef5b3db761 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-2-3_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 6204e6b9a152d87f6b1ab4d826e1516e should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-3-7_primary.bin
echo 3f16c6b3a9cbfbe5038e53def58e1e42 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-3-7_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 9d12941d3b66fe64c412bd63c21ef16e should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-3-8_primary.bin
echo 1a74429703a96461a890f0895cb8f534 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-3-8_secondary.bin

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 666fd64f422aee0cf71c2ef003aedd22 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-6-7_primary.bin
echo 69d28b333656ee62f691166dfac61f74 should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_16bit_byte-lanes-6-7_secondary.bin

If the 4 byte lanes from Bank67 work in an 8bit design, they should also work in a 32bit-wide design with 4GB of memory capacity.

unzip ; md5sum *bin
echo 080f14e16954eaec71cbd4a6727e980d should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_32bit_byte-lanes-3-4-5-6_primary.bin
echo ca572811d469105a1b53a8deb406c59a should be md5sum of innova2_ddr4_32bit_byte-lanes-3-4-5-6_secondary.bin

I have a board which worked with all but the byte-lanes-1-3 design. It has a broken Byte Lane 1.

DDR4-1400 16Bit Byte Lanes 1 and 3 Fail

I then tested 64-Bit versions of the DDR4 memory interface without Byte Lane 1 at two speeds, DDR4-1400 (1428ps) and DDR4-2400 (833ps). Both worked! Since I do not have access to a schematic I cannot further investigate my Byte Lane issue. However, I do not need ECC so having the full 8GB of working RAM is good enough.

DDR4-2400 64Bit No ECC No Byte Lane 1 DMA Throughput

Recreating ddr4_0_ex Example Design

The included ddr4_0_ex_example_design.xdc constraints file has the correct pin mappings when creating the DDR4 Example Design using Vivado 2021.2.

Begin by sourceing the innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio project. Open the Block Design and edit the DDR4 options to slower memory speeds (1428ps) and the built-in IC configuration (MT40A1G16WBU-083E). Set CAS Latency to the highest value.

DDR4 Basic Options

Select the option to enable Debug Signals under Advanced Options in the DDR4 IP Customizer and click Accept to finish.

Enable Debug Signals

Right-click on the DDR4 Block and choose Open IP Example Design.

Open IP Example Design

After Vivado generates the Example Design, confirm the Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) is present in the design. If not, confirm Debug Signals were enabled and saved and try again.

Confirm ILA is present

The sys_rst signal must be inverted in Also, update the Constraints File example_design.xdc with the contents of the included ddr4_0_ex_example_design.xdc file.

Invert sys_rst

Click Generate Bitstream and wait for your design to build which takes about 40 minutes.

Synthesis and Implementation Duration