A Bayesian implementation of the Poisson tree processes (PTP) model for species delimitation.
By Jiajie Zhang 19-02-2014. Questions and bugs report please sent to bestzhangjiajie[at]gmail[dot]com. Before reading the following text, please check: https://github.com/zhangjiajie/SpeciesCounting for latest updates
========================================================================= (0) What's new
I implemented a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler for the PTP model -
bPTP.py, it can generate posterior probability of species delimitations
on phylogenetic trees. Since I give a flat prior to all possible
delimitations, bPTP.py now replaces the old maximal likelihood search
program PTP.py. bPTP.py searches a much large space and gives Bayesian
support values to delimitations. PTP.py is now used for bootstrap
analysis if you have trees from bootstrap analysis. The new programs
also feature various improvements, such as NEXUS format support,
rooting on outgroups, SVG tree output and code optimizations.
(1) What's in the package?
This package contains several programs written in Python that can give
species delimitation hypothesis based on a gene trees inferred from
molecular sequences. We introduce a new model called Poisson tree
processes(PTP) model. In PTP, we model speciations or branching events
in terms of number of mutations. So it only requires a phylogenetic
input tree, for example the output of RAxML. To be more clear, the
branch lengths should represent number of mutations. Our numerous tests
show PTP outperforms GMYC. Furthermore, PTP is much easier to use,
since it can use the phylogenetic tree directly without needing the
difficult and error prone procedures of time calibration required by
bPTP.py A Bayesian implementation of the PTP model for species
delimitation. It uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler
to produce posterior probability of species delimitations
on phylogenetic trees. bPTP.py can work both on a single
phylogenetic tree, and multiple trees from Bayesian
phylogenetic analysis. Using trees from Bayesian phylogenetic
analysis can account for uncertainties in phylogenetics
inference, but with the cost of much longer run time.
To find out how to use it, type: python bPTP.py
PTP.py Maximal likelihood search of the PTP model by heuristics,
it can also provide bootstrap support values of species
delimitation if given multiple phylogenetic trees derived
from bootstrap analysis.
To find out how to use it, type: python PTP.py
(2) Which operating system is required?
I wrote and tested all the python code under Ubuntu Linux. So everything
should run well under Linux if you follow the instructions below or
the output of the python programs. I did not have the time and chance
to test them under windows or mac yet, however, I think bPTP.py, PTP.py
and GMYC.py should be able to run on windows and mac if you have properly
installed the dependent python packages (see below). EPA_PTP.py was
designed to run with NGS data, which means the calculations might be
intense if you have say 10,000 reads. So ideally it should be run on a
multi-core Linux server such that it can speedup using the PTHREADS
version of RAxML. The biodiversity soup data in our paper, for example,
will need 24-48 hour to finish on our 8-core i7 server. If you encounter
any problems to run the program under Linux, simply drop me an e-mail.
(3) Install dependent python packages
Requires python3.6
pip3 install -r requirments.txt
python3 setup.py install
(4) Prepare input data
bPTP.py: accept phylogenetic trees in Newick format and NEXUS format.
The trees should NOT be annotated, if bPTP.py can not parse
your tree, you can try to use FigTree to convert the tree
format. If you input NEXUS format, your trees will be automatically
detranslated if possible. However, if taxon are named using
only numbers, this step is will cause errors and you should
rename your taxa.
If a single tree is used as input, this should ideally be a
maximal likelihood tree inferred by, for example RAxML or
PhlML. Alternatively, this single tree can also be the consensus
tree from Bayesian or bootstrap phylogenetic analysis.
If multiple trees are used, those trees should come from
Bayesian phylogenetic analysis programs such as MrBayes.
PTP.py: accept the same tree format as bPTP.py, both single and multiple
trees can be used as input. Multiple trees should come from
bootstrap phylogenetic analysis.
(5) Output
a) outputname.PTPPartitions.txt: bPTP - MCMC samples of delimitations
after thinning, all posterial probabilities
are computed based this file.
PTP - bootstrap delimitations.
b) outputname.PTPllh.txt: Posterial Log likelihood trace file.
c) outputname.llh.pdf: Posterial Log likelihood trace plot, visual
check for convergence.
d) outputname.PTPPartitonSummary.txt: bPTP - summary of Posterial Prob. of
delimited species.
PTP - bootstrap values of delimited
e) outputname.PTPhSupportPartition.txt: bPTP - highest posterial Prob.
supported delimitation.
PTP - highest bootstrap
supported delimitation.
f) outputname.PTPhSupportPartition.txt.png/svg: Tree plot from e
g) outputname.PTPMLPartition.txt: Maximal likelihood species delimitation
h) outputname.PTPMLPartition.txt.png/svg: Tree plot from g
Support values shown on the tree plot are computed as the "number of
occurrence of all the descendants under this node"/ "number of samples
from MCMC sampling". They are the posterial probabilities of those taxa
form one species under the PTP model and a flat prior. From tests on
simulated data, support values are strongly correlated with the accuracy
of the delimitation, r = 0.91.
If input a single tree, output will be a - h; if using multiple
trees, output will be a - e
Support values shown on the tree plot are the bootstrap support of
all taxa under this node form one species under the PTP model.
Output will always be: a, d, e and f
(6) Examples
python3 bPTP.py -t example/ptp_example.tre -o example/myoutput -s 1234 -r
(7) How to cite
If you find PTP and bPTP useful to your research, please cite:
J. Zhang, P. Kapli, P. Pavlidis, A. Stamatakis: "A General Species
Delimitation Method with Applications to Phylogenetic Placements".
In Bioinformatics (2013), 29 (22): 2869-2876.
(8) Web server
There is also a web server avaliable for bPTP:
The server version only accept a single input tree and has limitation
on the number of MCMC iterations.