This repository contains the material corresponding to the webinar/Hands-on: GPU Programming Concepts . The objectives are:
- Present quickly and objectively concepts of Code Portability and Optimization;
- Show through simple examples the use of Parallel and Distributed Programming in multi-GPU systems;
- Expose students to applicability in case studies.
Material available in *.ipynb (Jupyter NoteBook) format. There are 8 notebooks in this repository:
The introductory notebook contains some of the webinar's content, and through some basic commands, we will be able to characterize the available multi-GPU execution environment.
This notebook will introduce peer-to-peer direct memory access on GPUs through the NCCL API.
In this notebook, we will introduce and present the features of MPI and CUDA compatibility and explain how it is efficient and can be maximized in the CUDA-aware MPI API.
We will use the highly parallelizable algorithm (Monte Carlo Approximation for the Calculus of π) to discuss multi-GPU programming. In this Notebook, we'll introduce the algorithm and start our exploration by running it on a single GPU.
In this notebook, we will refactor the single-GPU implementation of the Monte Carlo approximation of the π algorithm to run on multiple GPUs. While this is a valid refactoring technique, we hope to begin demonstrating the porting and optimization process through the CUDA-aware MPI and NVSHMEM APIs.
In this notebook, we will deepen the concepts of the CUDA-aware MPI API, which will grant us the benefits of the SPMD paradigm, maintaining the ability to use memory point-to-point over multi-GPU environments.
In this notebook, we will introduce NVSHMEM and make a first attempt to use it in the Monte Carlo approximation of the π program.
We finish with the solution of the Laplace equations using the Jacobi iteration. This problem will allow us to explore the common motive of dealing with distributed data communication.
Murilo Boratto
Researcher at the Supercomputing Center for Industrial Innovation SENAI-CIMATEC CS2I