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Mohamed Hassan (JOSEPH) edited this page Jun 10, 2024 · 22 revisions

Overview about required functionality:

Use Case Diagram - ministry of manpower

Maintaining data for privacy and confidentiality purposes :

Science fiction section in data-management AKA current fucken paper-document-system during the hiring process:

A citizen shall not save or ask for any documents from the government for its personal use in life, however it SHOULD be made internally since childhood.

Example: birth-document => elementary-education-papers => specialized-education-papers (could be vocational-education OR university-education) => ministry-of-manpower to fucken dispatch the graduated human resource properly to the right organization without the need of a lot of nasty paperwork

FYI/FYA: 🧠 💪 Working in police and military has another path because you should be a well educated strong person who shall pass through a certain physical tests to check his mental and physical strength not the current misery shit globally WITHOUT the need of a lot of this shitty paperwork as well.

The main reason behind corrupted terrorists from military and police officers per country came from the selection process where their enrolment-application should be eliminated based on:

  • Their address (criminal locations as private houses AKA The RABBLE عشش البلطجية الرعاع الحثالة عديمى القيمة), the correct ✅ 💯 criteria is where they reside in a legal flat purchased legally from the government where his father SHOULD be a legal employee working in the governmental entities or in the economical entities.
    • Those are called the agents of terror-gangs globally which when get a job, it starts to do nasty things as bringing the entity down and threating all of its employees using various ways AKA إمتداد الجماعات الإرهابية فى شكل موظفين بالدولة
    • They're marked by unusual life style, when you can find them have private-cars that are funded via those terror-gangs. While the work itself has its own transportation. How the fuck ????
    • Those criminals use the work's suit when they try to interact with the society to put unjustified-fake-fear that he has an authority to do whatever they want in the way the want. Those are the descendants of countryside-savage-dogs. Normal people use civilian clothes outside the work to fulfil their life needs without mis-using their position that has no authority over anyone. FYI/FYA: Those pitches are evaporated from the land upon identification.


  • A legally working father and mother.

  • His father/mother do not get involved in dirty business as private-sector ❌ (criminal locations as private houses AKA The RABBLE عشش البلطجية الرعاع الحثالة عديمى القيمة).

  • His body is clean ✅ 💯 which should be a non-smoker person ❌ AND not a drunker ❌ AND non-drugs addicted ❌.

Life advice: If you plan to marry 🛡 ⚠ someone, then it's better to work in jobs OTHER THAN military and police ones because it won't be suitable for a married person to be a good-fair-rational-husband. Just imagine the unplanned misery worldwide.

This simple process will take some time till the vanishment of the current fucken barbarians inside the governments globally.



