- Ayushe Gangal (SPIRE ID: 33018381)
- Pragyanta Dhal (SPIRE ID: 33069605)
- Mudit Chaudhary (SPIRE ID: 32607978)
For more information, please check the documentation document provided in docs/Documentation.pdf
The Inter-process communicator uses port 9997 on localhost. Please, keep that port free to run the program.
To compile, run, and test you can run the given script:
Alternatively, you can run the given commands in the script in command line
$ rm -rf runMapReduceTest
$ mkdir runMapReduceTest
$ rm -rf resources/Intermediate_files/
$ javac -sourcepath src -d runMapReduceTest -cp lib/junit-platform-console-standalone-1.8.1.jar:. src/main/java/**/**/**/*.java src/test/java/*.java
$ java -jar lib/junit-platform-console-standalone-1.8.1.jar --class-path runMapReduceTest --scan-class-path
$ rm -rf runMapReduceTest
If all the cases are passed, the following output should appear at the end:
├─ JUnit Jupiter ✔
└─ JUnit Vintage ✔
└─ TestMapReduce ✔
├─ getAverageStockPriceTest_N_MapperReducer ✔
├─ searchWordConfigTest_N_MapperReducer ✔
├─ searchWordConfigTest_failedMapper 14113 ms ✔
├─ getAverageStockPriceTest_failedMapper 14106 ms ✔
├─ wordCountTest_SingleMapperReducer ✔
├─ wordCountTest_N_MapperReducer ✔
├─ searchWordConfigTest_SingleMapperReducer ✔
├─ getAverageStockPriceTest_SingleMapperReducer ✔
└─ wordCountTest_failedMapper 14094 ms ✔
Test run finished after 54903 ms
[ 3 containers found ]
[ 0 containers skipped ]
[ 3 containers started ]
[ 0 containers aborted ]
[ 3 containers successful ]
[ 0 containers failed ]
[ 9 tests found ]
[ 0 tests skipped ]
[ 9 tests started ]
[ 0 tests aborted ]
[ 9 tests successful ]
[ 0 tests failed ]
The output of the tasks after running the task will be stored in resources/Output_files
Our MapReduce library is available in src/main/java/com/compsci532/mapreduce
The user defined functions are available in src/main/java/com/compsci532/usercode
The config files (e.g., for testing) are available in resources/test_configs
The config file can follow the following example:
# sparkOutputFile property is only for testing config
We test our mapreduce library for UDFs on the following tasks:
- Word Count: Given a text file, count instances of each word.
- Average Stock Price: Given a file with stocks and their prices on different dates, find the average for each stock.
- Search Word: Given a text file, check if the given word appears.
We provide a python script that runs PySpark to generate test case output files for the above tasks.
You can run it through python generateTestOutputs.py
. However, we have already generated and saved the test case output files in the folder spark_test_outputs
. Hence, the grader does not need to run it to test our program.
- Java 1.8