Please follow the below steps to run the DESeq2-shiny container on a cluster:
Remotely access any login node's terminal using the following command:
ssh ${USER} ssh ${USER} ssh ${USER} ssh ${USER}
Copy the DESeq2-shiny.job file to your home directory using the below command:
cp /storage/hpc/group/ircf/software/singularity_DESeq2-shiny/DESeq2-shiny.job ~/DESeq2-shiny.job
Navigate to your home directory using the following command:
Check for an available node using the below command:
sinfo --state=idle
Modify the "DESeq2-shiny.job" file as per your requirements based on Partition, Node, Memory, MYDATA, etc.:
#!/bin/bash ##SBATCH -p r630-hpc3 ##SBATCH -w lewis4-r630-hpc3-node548 #SBATCH -p Gpu #SBATCH -t 0-02:00 # time (days-hours:minutes) #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=10 #SBATCH --mem=100G #SBATCH --output=/home/%u/log_DESeq2-shiny.job.%j ##SBATCH [email protected] # email address for notifications ##SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # which type of notifications to send #SBATCH -J DESeq2-shiny ##SBATCH --account ircf
Submit the job to the SLURM scheduler using the below command:
sbatch DESeq2-shiny.job
Check the job log for instructions by running the below command:
cat log_DESeq2-shiny.job.*