This library provides C++ containers with basic SQL statements functionalities (or basic C# LINQ methods) namely: Select
, Where
, Update
, Delete
, Distinct
, OrderBy
, GroupBy
and Join
. Also it includes WhereLazy
and DistinctLazy
which are lazy versions of Where
and Distinct
The supported containers are std::vector and std::list. However; for some functions all types of containers are supported.
suppotrs all of this library functions, C++14
supports all except of Distinct
and OrderBy
, and C++11
supports only Select
, Where
, Update
and Delete
- For a given container it returns a list of whatever the selector returns
- from each element of the container.
- Returns: A list of selected things from each element.
- Usage:
struct Employee { int id; std::string name; std::string address; }; std::list<Employee> ls{ {1, "Jack", "Kaiserslautern"}, {2, "Jill", "Berlin"} }; auto res = Select(ls, [](const Employee& emp) { return;}); // Output: {"Jack","Jill"}
- Minimum Standard: C++11.
- Complexity: O(n).
- Filters any container with push_back modifier based on a predicate.
- Returns: A container of elements that satisfies the predicate.
- Usage:
list<int> ls{1,2,3,4,5}; auto predicate = [](const int& v){ return v%2 == 0; }; auto res = Where(ls, predicate); // Output: {2,4}
- Minimum Standard: C++11.
- Complexity: O(n).
- A lazy version
of this query is included, and it requires microsoft compiler of at least C++17.
- Updates a container based on an updating function and a predicate.
- Usage:
list<int> ls{1,2,3,4,5}; auto set = [](int& v){ v = 10; }; auto predicate = [](const int& v){ return v%2 == 0; }; Update(ls, predicate, set); // Output: {1,10,3,10,5}
- Minimum Standard: C++11.
- Complexity: O(n).
- In case the predicate function is missing it applies changes to all elements.
- Removes elements from a container based on a predicate.
- Usage:
list<int> ls{1,7,3,4,7}; auto predicate = [](const int& v){ return v == 7; }; Delete(ls, predicate); // Output: {1,3,4}
- Minimum Standard: C++11.
- Complexity: O(n).
- Returns: A distinct container of the original one.
- Usage:
list<int> ls{ 11,11,2,2,3,5,6 }; auto res = Distinct(ls); // Output: {11,2,3,5,6}
- Minimum Standard: C++17.
- Complexity: O(n.log(n)).
- A lazy version
of this query is included, and it requires microsoft compiler with of least C++17.
- Sorts std::vector and std::list containers of any type based on an ordering function.
- Usage:
struct MyStruct{ int x,y; }; vector<MyStruct> ls{ {3,5} ,{1,4}, {2,7}, {1,1}}; auto func = [](const MyStruct& l, const MyStruct& r) { return l.y < r.y; }; OrderBy(ls, func); // Output: { {1,1},{1,4},{3,5},{2,7} }
- Minimum Standard: C++17.
- Complexity: O(n.log(n)).
- Groups containers of any type based on a condition.
- Returns: A map whose key is the grouping data member and whose value is a container of elements share the same value of the key.
- Usage:
struct MyStruct{ int x,y; }; vector<MyStruct> ls{ {1,4} ,{3,4} ,{1,4}, {2,7}, {1,1}}; auto func = [](const MyStruct& myStruct) { return myStruct.x; }; auto res = GroupBy(ls, func); // Output: [1,{ {1,4},{1,4},{1,1} }] // [3,{ {3,4} }] // [2,{ {2,7} }]
- Minimum Standard: C++14.
- Complexity: O(n).
- Joins 2 containers of any type based on a shared data member.
- Returns: A map whose key is the joining data member and whose value is a pair of containers(subsets of original 2 containers) of elements share the same value of the key.
- Usage:
struct MyStruct1{ int x,y; }; struct MyStruct2{ int w,z; }; vector<MyStruct1> vec{ {1,4} ,{3,4} ,{1,4}, {2,7}, {1,1}}; list<MyStruct2> ls{ {2,1} ,{3,4} ,{1,4}, {2,8}, {3,1} }; auto func1 = [](const MyStruct1& myStruct) { return myStruct.y; }; auto func2 = [](const MyStruct2& myStruct) { return myStruct.z; }; auto res = Join(vec, ls, func1, func2); // Output: [4,<{ {1,4},{3,4},{1,4} },{ {3,4},{1,4} }>] // [1,<{ {1,1} },{ {2,1},{3,1} }>]
- Minimum Standard: C++14.
- Complexity: O(n.m) where n is the first container size and m is the second one's.