This Repository is about the processing and visualisation of a huge set of trajectory data.
The trajectories are read from multiple NetCDF files and gather into a NumPy array. Unnecessary information is cropped, e.g. dead ends. Further details are explained in the Notebook.
Then 4x1 Panel plot is drawn.
- a horizontal map of the trajectories
- a deposition map
- vertical dispersion of the trajectories as a time series
- a colour bar
To plot the huge amount of data I use a fast-trajectory-plot method, which allows to draw >100k trajectories in a reasonable time.
You can find a sample data set to run this code here.
I use trajectory data from the Lagrangian particle dispersion model Itpas for this project.
This software is part of the Itpas post-processing. However, the used methods can be adapted to projects with similar problems.
The code is written in python3 as Jupyter Notebook. A copy of the code as python script ( is included but will be updated only for the release-versions.
Following packages are used:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- basemap
- NetCDF4
- time
- datetime
- os
- sys
Please cite this software as suggested by Zenodo on the right.