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Michel Taheij edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 58 revisions

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As of version 1.2.2: To use this App, you will need a (paid) authorization key for a third-party hashing service. Such a key can be obtained on the following page: A 150 RPM key will be sufficient for this app.

Explanation: Every request that is sent to Niantic's game servers, must be signed by a hash value, calculated from various variables. Before version 1.2.2, this hashing could be done by the app itself, but the algorithms were changed by Niantic and the crack is not publically available. So far, the Pokefarmer team is the only one that can provide valid hashes. By using their hashing service - it needs an authorization key - the app is able to sign the requests correctly.

The Game is Working but with some small issues:

  • The app is not 100% safe from bans. This means your Trainer account might be banned when you use it. I am trying to make a legit-like app, without cheats, but by using this app, you might be discovered and your account can be banned.

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