Application for the Lithopia project, which extracts latest Sentinel-2 image for a given area and analyses it for a presence of a visual marker. If such marker is detected, the application is triggerring a blockchain contract.
- script for storing and retrieving credentials in a local file
- querying Copernicus Open Data Hub and retrieving Sentinel 2 images
- retrieving, plotting, and trimming images from the Sentinel 2 datasets
- finding a mapping from geo coordinates to pixel coordinates (coarse, but works)
- checking acquisition plans for a given location
- Sentinel 2 image resolution is 10m per pixel, revisit time is 5 days.
- Copernicus data portal
- Copernicus data API
- Sentinel-2 acquisition plans
- Sentinel Application Platform - useful tool for initial visualization of data
note: Development was done on Windows 10 and that's the system to which the installation notes apply