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Deprecation Notice

For your further Emacs theming needs, please use ThemeCreator, it's better in nearly every way.


create emacs 24 themes.

Installation Instructions:

No installation necessary. Emacs Theme Creator runs on Appengine, using Go and a bit of AngularJS.


Create a new directory for your theme to live in.

Create an empty theme file in the new directory:

touch <name of theme>-theme.el

It is highly recommended that you store this in some form of VCS.

If your new theme is called rainforest, your theme file has to be named rainforest-theme.el. This is important if you are planning to submit your theme to melpa.

Go to emacs-theme-creator.

Enter theme name and author name, and if you have your new theme in a VCS repo, it's url.

You need to submit a color for every face listed, either by entering a color in hex format, i.e. #202020, or by clicking on the form using the supplied colorpicker.

When you are finished, click "Done".

Select all: C-a, copy: C-c, and save in your earlier created file.

Random Faces:

You can get random colors from go-colorful's 3 different color palettes, i.e. WarmPalette, SoftPalette and HappyPalette by pressing the corresponding button. I have left out the default foreground face, comment face and warningface, because usually those vary strongly from the other faces.

Save for later:

If you want to save your progress, you can click the 'Save' button. This will store your selected faces to localStorage amd restore them if you revisit the site.

Clicking on 'reset theme' will set all faces to the original preset and delete the localStorage key.


To see some themes in action, you can pick one of the preloaded themes.

Applying a new theme

Disable the theme you are using at present.

(disable-theme <theme-in-use>)

Try out the new theme.

(load-file <your-name-theme-file.el>)

Customize the theme

Visit your new theme.

C-x - C-f <filename.el>


load rainbow-mode to display colors for the supplied colors.

Customize to your likings.

You can see a list of all faces and their current value with

M-x list-faces-display

Used Libraries

Emacs-theme-creator uses Go, AngularJS, in particular angular-seed, for the live preview of the selected faces and go-colorful for calculating darker and lighter variants of selected as well as the random palettes of warm, happy and soft colors.




theme file:



  • Add more preview languages.

  • Add support for more modes.


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