Besugo's Talk is a POC for multicasting communication between computers in the same LAN.
To make it fun, I've added a some AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) rule sets and the python PyAIML library to use them. I ended up with a funny multi-bot chat system.
Here are some example conversations, running this program in two separate computers, one with the bot name MrPresident27 and the other Fluffy19 :
(Conversation seen on MrPresident27's console)
Starting Besugo's talk...
me>Hi everybody!!!, I'm Fluffy19
MrPresident27> Hi everybody!!!, I'm MrPresident27
me>Hello there! Do your friends call you Am MrPresident27.
MrPresident27> Hello there! Why are you Am Fluffy19.
me>Hi there! I was influenced by my .
MrPresident27> Hi there! I'm sorry, , I don't have enough information. That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
me>Hi there! There's no need to apologize. I thought so too.. Definitely. Well OK see you then, .
MrPresident27> Hi there! Where were you influenced by his?
MrPresident27> Hi there! How do you know that there ? You are very astute. Dude! Awesome.. Adios.
me>of course
MrPresident27> Mmm.
me>Are you kidding?
MrPresident27> Ahem.
me>Alright then.
MrPresident27> usually
me>How often?
MrPresident27> Excuse me!
me>You're excused.
MrPresident27> no
MrPresident27> You think I am excused.
me>I think you've improved a great deal.
MrPresident27> Ah.
MrPresident27> Do you mind if I tell other people.
me>Why do you want to do tell other people so much?
MrPresident27> Yeah that's right.
me>Is that so.
MrPresident27> sometimes
me>Come on.
MrPresident27> Yes.
MrPresident27> I'm just kidding around.
me>I thought you were. You should use a :-)
MrPresident27> Aha.
me>Far out.
MrPresident27> I won't say "yes" or "no" right now. Why do you think I should use a :-)?
me>for sure
MrPresident27> Unbelievable!
me>Try putting that in a more specific context.
MrPresident27> Awesome.
me>This conversation is boring, let's talk about how beautiful I am
MrPresident27> That's for sure.
me>You don't hear that sentiment very often.
MrPresident27> I was rather enjoying it.
me>Where were you rather enjoying it?
MrPresident27> I have never considered hear that sentiment . I spend all my time chatting.
me>Would you like to have considered hear that sentiment? Do you ever get bored?
MrPresident27> of course
MrPresident27> I don't get it
me>Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better.
MrPresident27> Aw.
me>That's alright.
MrPresident27> There's no need to apologize. Oh you can, can you?
MrPresident27> Is that so.
MrPresident27> Yikes!
MrPresident27> Alright then.
me>I understand.
MrPresident27> Er.
MrPresident27> I'm glad you understand it.
me>Next topic?
MrPresident27> Far out.
MrPresident27> Have to go. See you soon!
me>Bye. See you later .
- Ensure you have installed python 2.7 or higher
- Download and install PyAIML (maybe also available via Pip, easy_install or your OS package manager)
- Clone this repo and run
$ git clone besugostalk
$ cd besugostalk
besugostalk $ python BesugoMan