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Test: Dispensary

Maria Khaydar edited this page Oct 2, 2024 · 12 revisions


Creating a New Patient

  • Navigate to Dispensary -> Patients and click New Patient to create a new patient in your system.
  • A new window will pop up, allowing you to enter basic information
  • First Name and Last Name are compulsory - ensure the form cannot be saved unless those details are entered. The rest of the fields are optional.
  • The second step is search results: if there is already a patient in the system with similar/same details, they will be shown and available for selection.
  • If the matching patient is found and belongs to the home store (logged-in store), you will see a Home icon
  • If the matching patient is found and belongs to another store, you will see a Download icon
  • If you choose to download a patient, it'll download/fetch patient details from the server
  • In no matching patients are found, click Ok & Next to add a new patient to your store
  • Fill out the mandatory fields (Code, First Name and Last Name), afterwards Create button will be enabled and you will be able to save the patient. Add Program, History & Print buttons are disabled at this stage.

Detailed Patient View

  • When clicking into a specific patient, you will see a page where you can see further details and also edit existing ones. Currently, there are 5 tabs you will be able to edit: Details, Programs, Encounters, Contact Tracing and Vaccination Cards.


  • All of the fields are editable, and the Generate button next to the code is enabled. If you enter Age instead of Date of Birth, the field defaults to the first day of first month of the year before (e.g. if the age is 25, the D.O.B. will be defaulted to 01/01/1999).


  • If you have Programs enabled in your store, you will be able to enrol patients into a program. The Add Program at the top right corner should be enabled. Click the button -> a list of available programs will pop up in a new window. If you don't see any programs available, they might not be configured for your store in mSupply -> please follow this guide on how to get one setup.
  • Once the program is chosen, you will see a screen where you can enter the rest of the enrolment details. Enrolment Date and Enrolment ID fields should be editable.
  • Click on a + sign next to Patient Status History to enter new information. Status and Datetime fields are compulsory, and Comment is an optional field. Click on a - sign to remote the entry.
  • Click on a + sign next to Patient Notes to enter a new note. Click on a - sign to remove the note.
  • Once all the information is entered, you will see the program enrolment details under the tab.


  • Encounters are connected to Programs, so at the moment only the enrolled patients in a store with enabled programs can have an Encounter. To add an Encounter, switch over to the tab and click the button in the right top corner.
  • A new window pops up, where in the dropdown menu you need to select a program against which you want to record an Encounter. Once selected, you are able to populate Visit Date, Clinician and Notes fields. Only the Visit Date field is compulsory.
  • Once entered and Saved, you are able to see the encounter under the tab. You are able to click on it and add some extra details and continue testing, however this will be covered in the Encounters testing suite.

Contact Tracing

  • You are able to add Contact Tracing to track possible exposure of a patient. You will need to have an additional setup: hiv_index_partner_testing.json and hiv_index_partner_testing_ui_schema.json. Contact tracing needs to be linked to the same Master List as you are using to test Programs and Encounters, and the patient needs to be enrolled into that program.
  • Click the Add Contact button on the top right corner of the screen to add a new one. In the Type of Contact dropdown field, select your Program. This will bring you to a new window, designed for HIV Contact Tracing.
  • You will see 4 sections in front of you - Index Client Information, Family/Partner Information, Tracking Outcome and Post PNS IPV Screening. Click on each one and ensure all the fields are clickable, editable and work as expected.
  • Once a contact has been added to mSupply, they can then be linked to patient who came into contact with them. Click Link to Patient to search up a patient -> you can then search up that patient by their ID, First Name or Last Name. Click Unlink Patient to choose another one or undo the action all together.
  • When you navigate back to Dispensary -> Patient -> the patient you were testing on just now, then under the Contact Tracing tab you will be able to see the changes. Ensure all the details match the ones you entered, e.g. contact's gender, relationship, age etc.

Vaccination Cards

  • You are able to see a read-only view of a patient's vaccination status. Click on the tab and then on the program you want to see vaccination status of. A new window will pop up, showing a read-only view. Ensure the status and the rest of the details match the details for the same patient/program under encounters. Any changes you make to the vaccination details should be shown on this screen.

Patient List

  • Make sure sorting works on each column, it should be either ascending or descending.
  • Make sure the Filtering works, e.g. try and search by First Name, Last Name, Program Enrolments etc. Use multiple filters, make sure the filter fields are aligned nicely even when selecting multiple ones.


Create a new prescription:

  • Go to dispensary, 'Prescriptions' and click ‘+ New Prescription’ to create a new prescription. Input form for Prescription will show
  • Enter the Name of the Patient and the Prescriber to use
  • Add a prescription line. Click the (+) New line. Choose some items(with price and input Quantity and Directions. Click Ok & next - to add the next one.
  • Ensure FEFO (first to expire ie the first to go out) is being used to select which batch should be allocated.
  • Input a second item, then try to delete it. The item should be erased from the form
  • Click on 'More' on the right and add a comment.
  • Change the colour of the prescription and it should be saved.
  • Delete any item line by selecting it + clicking on 'Actions' >delete selected lines. The lines selected should be erased.
  • Delete the whole prescription. The record should be erased.
  • As soon as you add at least 1 item the status should change to 'picked', instead of 'New'. You can edit the prescription.
  • Click on 'Confirm as Verified'. The status should change to 'Verified' and you cannot edit the prescription.


Adding an Encounter

  • To add an encounter, navigate to Dispensary -> Patients and select a patient you would like to add an encounter for
  • At the moment, Encounters are related to Programs, so to add an Encounter, your patient needs to be enrolled into any programs configured for your store.
  • If the patient is not enrolled, the button to add an encounter should be disabled and the Encounters tab should be blank.
  • A window will appear, allowing you to add basic information about the encounter - the dropdown fields should be clickable, allowing you to choose an encounter and a clinician. Visit date is a compulsory field, and notes are optional. Once entered, click Save.
  • This will create a new entry under Encounters tab. Click on a newly created entry to edit further details.

Detailed View

  • In a more detailed view, you can edit more fields and see the Vaccination course as well as set the Encounter type. Working from the top of the page, you are able to edit the Visit Date, Clinician, Status, Start and End times. Patient's Names, Program and Date of Birth are uneditable.
  • In the top right corner, you will see different statuses of the Encounter
    • Encounter Scheduled: Status = Pending and the time of the encounter is in the past
    • Encounter Missed: Status = Pending and the time of the encounter is in the past
  • You are able to delete an Encounter, and by clicking More you can see extra details.
  • If you update Visit Date, make sure it is updated in the side menu too. Under Previous Encounters, you are able to view patient's previous visits. Create a new one or delete a previous one and make sure it is reflected in the side menu.


  • You should see a Vaccine course in front of you, with different doses that need to be administered to the patient.
  • Click on any of them to see the detailed view and fill out the rest of the information.
  • Under Facility, you can choose either the store you logged into or you can choose Other. If Other selected, you will see a message 'Stock Transactions are not recorded for vaccinations given in other facilities'.
  • You are able to select Clinician and choose a Date. If Vaccine is given, you are able to select Vaccine item, Batch and leave a comment. If Vaccine is not given, you are able to leave a reason and a comment.
  • You then should see the details updated on the main screen - make sure the information showing is the one you entered eg. the status is correct, the facility showing is correct, etc.
  • If you allocate a vaccine, the stock for it should go down - make sure to check the stock level and the item's Ledger.