This package was originally authored by Allardvm and wakakusa
LightGBM.jl provides a high-performance Julia interface for Microsoft's LightGBM.
The package adds a couple of convenience features:
- Automated cross-validation
- Exhaustive grid search search procedure
- Integration with MLJ (which also provides the above via different interfaces)
Additionally, the package automatically converts all LightGBM parameters that refer to indices
(e.g. categorical_feature
) from Julia's one-based indices to C's zero-based indices.
A majority of the C-interfaces are implemented. A few are known to be missing and are tracked.
All major operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X) are supported. Julia versions 1.0+ are supported.
Please ensure your system meets the pre-requisites for LightGBM. This generally means ensuring
that libomp
is installed and linkable on your system. See here for Microsoft's installation guide.
Please note that the package actually downloads a precompiled binary so you do not need to install LightGBM first. This is done as a user convenience, and support will be added for supplying ones own LightGBM binary (for GPU acceleration, etc).
To add the package to Julia:
Running tests for the package requires the use of the LightGBM example files,
download and extract the LightGBM source
and set the enviroment variable LIGHTGBM_EXAMPLES_PATH
to the root of the source installation.
Then you can run the tests by simply doing
First, download LightGBM source and untar it somewhere.
cd ~
tar -xf v2.3.1.tar.gz
using LightGBM
using DelimitedFiles
LIGHTGBM_SOURCE = abspath("~/LightGBM-2.3.1")
# Load LightGBM's binary classification example.
binary_test = readdlm(joinpath(LIGHTGBM_SOURCE, "examples", "binary_classification", "binary.test"), '\t')
binary_train = readdlm(joinpath(LIGHTGBM_SOURCE, "examples", "binary_classification", "binary.train"), '\t')
X_train = binary_train[:, 2:end]
y_train = binary_train[:, 1]
X_test = binary_test[:, 2:end]
y_test = binary_test[:, 1]
# Create an estimator with the desired parameters—leave other parameters at the default values.
estimator = LGBMClassification(
objective = "binary",
num_iterations = 100,
learning_rate = .1,
early_stopping_round = 5,
feature_fraction = .8,
bagging_fraction = .9,
bagging_freq = 1,
num_leaves = 1000,
num_class = 1,
metric = ["auc", "binary_logloss"]
# Fit the estimator on the training data and return its scores for the test data.
fit!(estimator, X_train, y_train, (X_test, y_test))
# Predict arbitrary data with the estimator.
predict(estimator, X_train)
# Cross-validate using a two-fold cross-validation iterable providing training indices.
splits = (collect(1:3500), collect(3501:7000))
cv(estimator, X_train, y_train, splits)
# Exhaustive search on an iterable containing all combinations of learning_rate ∈ {.1, .2} and
# bagging_fraction ∈ {.8, .9}
params = [Dict(:learning_rate => learning_rate,
:bagging_fraction => bagging_fraction) for
learning_rate in (.1, .2),
bagging_fraction in (.8, .9)]
search_cv(estimator, X_train, y_train, splits, params)
# Save and load the fitted model.
filename = pwd() * "/finished.model"
savemodel(estimator, filename)
loadmodel(estimator, filename)
This package has an interface to MLJ. Exhaustive MLJ documentation is out of scope for here, however the main things are:
The MLJ interface models are
And these have the same interface parameters as the estimators
The interface models are generally passed to
or MLJBase.machine
and integrated as part of a larger MLJ pipeline. An example is provided
The list of our Contributors can be found here. Please don't hesitate to add yourself when you contribute.