Tafqeet is php script that help you to integrate payments and receipts document inside your project by convert amout into arabic words , it help you to add this words to any thing you want
very easy just download the code also you can use composer to get fresh instance of the code by running the next command line $ composer require 3li3bdalla/tafqeet
after you got fresh instance of the code just navigate to the code folder
$ cd --path--/Tafqeet
then run composer install
$ composer install
after that just run composer dump-autoload -o
$ composer dump-autoload -o
now everything is ready to work just try to browse test.php file or you can use direct php command line by run the next command
$ php test.php
you should get result like that
فقط تسعمائة ألف ريال و أربعة و ثلاثون هللة لاغير
now open test.php you will see this code
just replace 900000.34 by the number you want and run the above command you will see it will gives you result
also you can add new param to specify the currency like that
here we spacify the currency you can put any other currecnry as you want like sdg
also you can add new currency
just open src/core/Tafqeet.php
you will see this code
public $config = [
'connection_tool' => ' و',
'default_currency' => 'sar',
'currencies' => [
'sar' => [
'sdg' => [
'usd' => [
add any currecny you want to currencies array
this script work untill 999999.99