This project is an open-source Java implementation of Socket.IO server. Based on Netty server framework.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
- 1.x - 4.x version of Socket.IO-client is supported
- Supports xhr-polling transport
- Supports websocket transport
- Supports namespaces and rooms
- Supports ack (acknowledgment of received data)
- Supports SSL
- Supports client store (Redisson, Hazelcast, Memory)
- Supports distributed broadcast across netty-socketio nodes (Redisson, Hazelcast)
- Supports OSGi
- Supports Spring
- Contains Java module info for JPMS.
- Lock-free and thread-safe implementation
- Declarative handler configuration via annotations
JAR is compatible with Java 8 but needs Java 11+ for building the module-info.
Include the following to your dependency list:
Customer feedback in 2012:
CentOS, 1 CPU, 4GB RAM runned on VM:
CPU 10%, Memory 15%
6000 xhr-long polling sessions or 15000 websockets sessions
4000 messages per second
Customer feedback in 2014:
"To stress test the solution we run 30 000 simultaneous websocket clients and managed to peak at total of about 140 000 messages per second with less than 1 second average delay." (c) Viktor Endersz - Kambi Sports Solutions
Multiplayer Orchestra:
AVOS Cloud:
Kambi Sports Solutions:
Fixed - Socket.IO Client v2 fails to connect (thanks to @penguinlab)
Fixed - Support for v1 / readNamespace. V1 namespace is without special characters , or ? (thanks to @Pacl0)
Feature - enableCors setting added (thanks to @zd925)
Feature - ability to define http request decoder (thanks to @gurkancakir)
Fixed - if ack returns after the timeout trigger ,a IllegalStateException will be thrown (thanks to @malinGH)
Fixed - prevents the client from repeatedly connecting to the namespace (thanks to @bigtian99)
Fixed - treat attachments as binary by default (thanks to @nicsor)
Fixed - recoverable handshake failure handling (thanks to @berinhardt)
Fixed - HashedWheelTimeoutScheduler should remove scheduledFutures before task execution (thanks to @berinhardt)
Fixed - custom namespaces support auth data (thanks to @Addi)
Fixed - attachments frame buffer reading
Fixed - memory leak while WebSocketServerHandshakeException or Channel failed (thanks to @h3mant-1)
Feature - v3/v4 parsing of multiple messages in one HTTP polling body (thanks to @unverbraucht)
Fixed - IllegalReferenceCountException error
Fixed - possible OOM caused by attachments parsing
Github Actions support made by @liangyuanpeng
Feature - Java module support (thanks to @unverbraucht)
Feature - AuthTokenListener added (thanks to @unverbraucht)
Feature - multi-packet separator support (thanks to @unverbraucht)
Improvement - Send Bulk leave event instead of multiple leave events on disconnect (thanks to @ksahu750)
Fixed - NPE during ack response timeout (thanks to @BlueSodaWater)
Fixed - Resource Leak in readVersion() method (thanks to @JHOANG23)
Feature - added availability to add key-value pairs to socket store during authorization (thanks to @shutuper)
Feature - getRoomOperations() method with room varargs param (thanks to @shutuper)
Fixed - client can't connect to non-default namespace (thanks to @lyjnew)
Fixed - NPE in WebSocketTransport and PollingTransport (thanks to @Hunterk95)
JDK 8 is minimum version required for usage.
Fixed - message larger than maxFramePayloadLength causes memory leak
Feature - SocketIO 4.x protocol support (thanks to @HashZhang)
Fixed - add all the socketio specific classes to bundles (thanks to @rishabhgup)
Fixed - error
Feature - SocketIOClient.isWritable() method added (thanks @xuwenqing04)
Feature - Namespace.addListeners(Iterable listeners) method added (thanks @damonxue)
Fixed - disconnect event packet should be a subtype of MESSAGE (thanks @MasterShi)
Fixed - BaseStoreFactory throws NPE
Feature - Added support for bulk join and leave (thanks @ksahu750)
Fixed - auto disconnected (regression since 1.7.22)
Feature - ping/pong support for socketio v4 protocol (thanks to @HashZhang)
Fixed - transport name should be checked in uppercase (regression since 1.7.20)
Feature - needClientAuth setting added (thanks to @huws)
Fixed - ContinuationWebSocketFrame should be used if payload > maxFramePayloadLength (thanks to 俞伟搏)
Fixed - event listener src class and dest bean is no match (thanks to @cifaz)
Fixed - illegal transport parameter (thanks to @mirus36)
Feature - writeBufferWaterMarkLow and writeBufferWaterMarkHigh settings added (thanks to @xuminwlt)
Feature - allowHeaders setting added (thanks to @HuangHuan)
Feature - getCurrentRoomSize() method added (thanks to @sunxiaoyu3)
Fixed - namespace bug (thanks to @@johntyty912)
Fixed - multiple nodes with redisson receive same message (thanks to 梁嘉祺)
Fixed - multiple nodes receive only one LEAVE msg on client disconnect (thanks to @GaryLeung922)
Feature - support for event interceptors which catch all events (thanks to @yosiat)
Fixed - namespace event broadcasting (thanks to Volodymyr Masliy)
Feature - randomSession setting added to Config object (thanks to @yuanxiangz)
Fixed - NPE in WebSocketTransport
Fixed - NPE & memory leak (thanks to zhaolianwang)
Fixed - namespace parsing (thanks to Redliver)
Fixed - Redisson 3.9+ compatibility
Fixed - non thread-safe ACK handling (thanks to @dawnbreaks)
Fixed - inactive long-polling channels cause memory leak (thanks to @dawnbreaks)
Fixed - websocket CloseFrame processing (thanks to @hangsu.cho)
Fixed - WebSocketTransport NPE
Fixed - Session ID is not unique anymore
Fixed - fixed underlying connection not closing on ping timeout
Fixed - the "fin_close" problem
Feature - added local socket address for the connection (thanks to @SergeyGrigorev)
Feature - addPingListener
method added (thanks to @lovebing)
Feature - add ThreadFactory for HashedWheelTimer (thanks to @hand515)
Fixed - changed SO_LINGER to be handled as child channel (not server channel) option (thanks to @robymus)
Fixed - ByteBuf leak if binary attachments are used
Fixed - restore session from Cookie (thanks to @wuxudong)
Fixed - NumberFormatException when b64 is bool value (thanks to @vonway)
Fixed - data encoding for polling transport
Feature - Added option to change the SSL KeyFactoryAlgorithm using Configuration (thanks to @robymus)
Improvement - Binary ack handling improvements (thanks to Sergey Bushik)
Fixed - Failed to mark a promise as success because it has succeeded already (thanks to @robymus)
Feature - SocketIOServer.removeAllListeners
method added
Feature - BroadcastOperations.sendEvent
method with excludedClient
param added
Improvement - Redisson updated to 2.4.0
Fixed - memory leak in Namespace object (thanks to @CrazyIvan007)
Fixed - Throw error if transport not supported
Fixed - Client disconnecting when using Polling - IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fixed - netty updated to 4.1.0.CR3 version
Fixed - binary packet parsing (thanks to Winston Li)
Feature - Compression support
Fixed - DotNET client request handling
Fixed - Packet length format parsing
Fixed - skipping 'd=' in packet
Fixed - Polling clients sporadically get prematurely disconnected (thanks to lpage30)
Fixed - connections stay open forever if server sent close
Fixed - compatibility with Redisson latest version
Improvement - WebSocketServerHandshaker.allowExtensions
is true
Improvement - SessionID cookie implementation (thanks to @ryandietrich)
Fixed - clientRooms leak (thanks to @andreaspalm)
Fixed - ExceptionListener not used for errors in JSON parsing
Fixed - "silent channel" attack
Improvement - useStrictOrdering
param added for websocket packets strict ordering
Improvement - FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS = false
option setted in json decoder
Improvement - no need to add jackson lib if you use own JsonSupport impl
Fixed - SocketIO client 1.3.x support
Fixed - Charset encoding handling (thanks to alim-akbashev)
Improvement - SocketIONamespace.getName()
Fixed - WebSocket frames aggregation
Fixed - WebSocket buffer release
Fixed - Unexpected end-of-input in VALUE_STRING
Fixed - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is TRUE for requests with origin header
Feature - Configuration.sslProtocol
param added
Fixed - BinaryEvent ack handling
Fixed - BinaryEvent non b64 encoding/decoding
Fixed - buffer leak during packet encoding
Fixed - packet encoding
Fixed - BinaryEvent encoding/decoding
Fixed - unchallenged connections handling
Feature - origin
setting added
Feature - crossDomainPolicy
setting added
Feature - SocketIOServer.startAsync
method added
Feature - Epoll support
Improvement - BinaryEvent support
Fixed - SocketIOClient disconnect handling
Fixed - broadcast callback
Fixed - NPE then no transport defined during auth
Fixed - ping timeout for polling transport
Fixed - buffer leak in PacketEncoder
Fixed - wrong outgoing message encoding using websocket transport
Fixed - NPE in websocket transport
Fixed - multiple packet decoding in polling transport
Fixed - buffer leak
Feature - ability to set custom Access-Control-Allow-Origin
via Configuration.origin
Fixed - connection via CLI
Feature - Socket.IO 1.0 protocol support. Thanks to the new protocol decoding/encoding has speedup
Dropped - SocketIOClient.sendMessage
, SocketIOClient.sendJsonObject
methods and corresponding listeners
Dropped - Flashsocket transport support
Dropped - protocol version 0.7 ... 0.9.16
Improvement - single packet encoding optimized, used mostly in WebSocket transport. Encoding time reduced up to 40% (thanks to Viktor Endersz)
Improvement - rooms handling optimized
Improvement - ExceptionListener.exceptionCaught method added
Breaking api change - Configuration.autoAck replaced with ackMode
Feature - trustStore setting added
Feature - maxFramePayloadLength setting added
Feature - getAllClients and getClient methods added to SocketIONamespace
Fixed - SocketIOServer.getAllClients returns wrong clients amount
Fixed - message release problem
Fixed - problem with exception listener configuration redefinition
Breaking api change - DataListener.onData now throws Exception
Improvement - data parameter added to exception listener
Improvement - ability to setup socket configuration
Improvement - Configuration.autoAck parameter added
Fixed - AckCallback handling during client disconnect
Fixed - unauthorized handshake HTTP code changed to 401
Breaking api change - Configuration.heartbeatThreadPoolSize setting removed
Feature - annotated Spring beans support via SpringAnnotationScanner
Feature - common exception listener
Improvement - ScheduledExecutorService replaced with HashedWheelTimer
Fixed - wrong namespace client disconnect handling
Fixed - exception in onConnect/onDisconnect/isAuthorized methods leads to server hang
Breaking api change - SocketIOClient.sendEvent methods signature changed
Improvement - multi type events support via MultiTypeEventListener and OnEvent annotation
Improvement - multi type events ack support via MultiTypeAckCallback
Improvement - SocketIOClient.getHandshakeData method added
Improvement - Jedis replaced with Redisson
Fixed - JDK 1.6+ compatibility
Feature - authorization support
Fixed - XHR-pooling transport regression
Fixed - Websocket transport regression
Fixed - namespace NPE in PacketHandler
Fixed - executors shutdown during server stop
Feature - client store (Memory, Redis, Hazelcast) support
Feature - distributed broadcast across netty-socketio nodes (Redis, Hazelcast) support
Feature - OSGi support (thanks to rdevera)
Improvement - XHR-pooling optimization
Improvement - SocketIOClient.getAllRooms method added
Fixed - flash policy "request leak" after page reload (thanks to ntrp)
Fixed - websocket swf loading (thanks to ntrp)
Fixed - wrong urls causes a potential DDoS
Fixed - Event.class package visibility changed to avoid direct usage
Improvement - Simplified Jackson modules registration
Fixed - NPE during shutdown
Improvement - isEmpty method added to Namespace
Fixed - wrong ack timeout callback invocation
Fixed - bigdecimal serialization for JSON
Fixed - infinity loop during packet handling exception
Fixed - 'client not found' handling
Improvement - encoding buffers allocation optimization.
Improvement - encoding buffers now pooled in memory to reduce GC pressure (netty 4.x feature).
Fixed - error on unknown property during deserialization.
Fixed - memory leak in long polling transport.
Improvement - logging error info with inbound data.
First stable release.