Repo for PCB design
This is my custom hardware project created as a part of a college project at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb .
The board is based on STM32L072/L073 and features a Bosch BME280 Temp/Pressure/humidity sensor. The LoRaWAN module is an SX1276 by RadioControlli. The headers have all the GPIO exposed, except for the SPI1 which is occupied by the LoRa module. Headers are breadboard-friendly and leave 1 row of free breadboard pins at each side of the board. It can be easily flashed using an ST-Link dongle or a JLink which can be connected either to the P2 SWD header or the GPIO header. The battery is internally connected to an LDO and the battery voltage is supplied to the ADC_0 through a simple resistor voltage divider.
The PCB is drawn in Altium Designer and all the files are available in the repo.
Adafruit feather-style pinout graphics were made by using the template provided here
The schematics can be found here.
Example code for running on the board can be found here.