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Michel Perez edited this page Oct 17, 2015 · 5 revisions

A Relationship must inherit from the class Rel[A,B]:

case class MyRel(from: MyUser, to: MyUser, enabled: Boolean) extends Rel[MyUser, MyUser]

For persisting this class we need to create and make implicit a Mapper and a NeoRel for the class:

implicit val myRelMapper =[MyRel]
implicit val userRel = NeoRel[MyRel, MyUser, MyUser]("friendship", true)

Important! for creating the NeoRel the NeoNode for A and B has to be available via implicit.

import com.kreattiewe.neo4s.orm.NeoRelOperations._
val rel = MyRel(node1, node2, true)

By importing the NeoRelOperations we can use the CRUD operations on our relationships. That way we can call the methods save, update, delete, methods on the case class node.

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