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Simon Legrand edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 6 revisions

Installing dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu

If your distribution is sufficiently recent, you can simply run :

sudo apt-get install cmake libeigen3-dev cimg-dev libsuitesparse-dev libboost-all-dev libcgal-dev

Installing dependencies using Homebrew (MacOsX / Linux)

For MacOs X, older Linux versions or systems where you are not root you can install the missing dependences localy via homebrew/linuxbrew, which provides up-to-date versions of the libraries used by MongeAmpere. The webpages of homebrew and linuxbrew provide more information and installation instructions. Then, run

brew install cgal cmake cimg eigen boost homebrew/science/suite-sparse

NB1: If the compiler is too old (Gcc < 4.8), you need to use the homebrew compiler chain instead of the one installed on your machine. Check the instructions on the Standalone-Installation website.

NB2: You may encounter problems to find X11 headers and libs on MacOs X, which are not in standard location. You can fix this problem by doing:

ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11 /usr/local/include/X11
export LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/X11/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH"