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build-system for Modular, Versioned Documentation


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MoVeDo - Modular, Versioned Documentation

License: GPL v3 REUSE status

(pronounciation of MoVeDo is in Italian)

A build tool for your Markdown based, git hosted documentation. Think of it like gradle, leiningen, maven, grunt, or any other build tool that mainly relies on convention (over configuration) -- but for your documentation.

By default it:


Philosophy & Psychology

The main idea behind MoVeDo is:

Write your documentation in standard Markdown on git; nothing more.

Though it also optionally supports pre-processing, it is discouraged, and it is applied in a way that makes the output digestible by any (locally executed) tool, for further processing/generating docs in other formats.

It wants you to not worry about how the documents are post-processed that much, but rather on using standard formats an idioms. That way of thinking nudges one to keep it simple, using only basic Markdown syntax, whenever possible.

This allows anyone working on the docs to use their preferred tool for editing, previewing and even post-processing into distributable document formats. It also allows for easy switching between post-processing tools, like pandoc, jekyll, hugo*, vuepress (vue.js)*, docsify* or whatever tool that supports Markdown as sources; no additional requirements.

(*Not yet supported)

It might also make one think twice or three times, before using Markdown extensions supported only by "this tool" or "that platform". If it manages to do only that, it met its highest goal, as this leads to more social thinking, both for fellow co-workers and the community as a whole.

Why Markdown

... oh boy!

Compared to other lightweight markup formats like reText and AsciiDoc:

  • + It is "industry" standard for documentation in Open Source software, many people know it already and there are lots of examples
  • + It is supported by a lot of tools and platforms
  • - many non-marginal, parallel "flavors" exist, so there is no one standard for it
    -> compatibility issues


Expected Input

A directory structure sketch of a sample project using MoVeDo:

/                              # part of the beginning of the docu
/                              # part of multi-file outputs like HTML, but not PDF
/                            # treated as repo file -> excluded from the docu
/                             # treated as repo file -> excluded from the docu
/chapters/01_intro/      # (Pandoc's) Markdown file, part of the docu
/chapters/01_intro/   # PP pre-processor annotated Markdown file
/index-md.txt                          # optional; It denotes which *.md files appear in which order
                                       # in single-file outputs like PDF
/movedo/                               # git sub-module linked to this repo

One can use an arbitrary directory structure (including a flat one) for the Markdown sources. With the exception of a few special files (like README and LICENSE), and directories (like build and hidden ones (.*)), all *.md files are considered sources for the documentation.

Sample Output

By default, all output is generated in the build directory, and for the above project would look like:

/build/gen-src/index-md.txt                       # either copied from the source, or auto-generated
                                                  # from the FS structure of the *.md files
                                                  # (alphabetically, with directories after files).
                                                  # It denotes which *.md files appear in which order
                                                  # in single-file outputs like PDF
/build/gen-src/chapters/01_intro/   # PP pre-processing is done here
/build/gen-src/                             # all the above Markdown files fused into one
/build/pdf/doc.pdf                                # converted into a PDF

How to use

What you need to know first

MoVeDo does mainly two things:

  1. Converting Markdown (tree of files) -> HTML (tree of files)
  2. Converting Markdown (tree of files) -> PDF (single, linear file)

The first part (HTML) is almost entirely out-sourced to a 3rd party tool of your choice, while the second is mostly MoVeDo code and pandoc.

So apart from choosing MoVeDo, you should also choose a Markdown to HTML converter. If you don't, MoVeDo uses plain pandoc, which will not result in the most pretty results. To see which Markdown to HTML converters are currently supported by MoVeDo, run ls -1 movedo/scripts/make_html_* from your project root.

As of October 2021, this are:

  • Jekyll - Well established (ruby) static site generator (SSG)
  • mdBook - fast SSG (rust)
  • mkDocs - simple SSG
  • pandoc - bare-bones document converter
  • pdsite - very simple, leight-weight SSG (bash)

Please raise an issue if you need support for an other tool, or make a pull request.

Installation & Setup


In your git repo containing the Markdown sources, add this repo as a sub-module:

git submodule add movedo
git submodule update --init --recursive # to install MoVeDo submodules
echo "/build/" >> .gitignore # to git ignore the MoVeDo generated files

(and then commit this)

Other devs will then have to check the sub-module out as well:

git submodule update --init --recursive

or do it right when cloning your repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules

from then on, you can use MoVeDo for building your docu like this:


This would generate output like shown in Sample Output.

Custom HTML generator (optional, recommended)

Basically, you follow the setup instructions for the tool you choose. In the case of jekyll, for example, this means that you will end up having at least a _config.yml file in the repo root. MoVeDo will detect that, and call jekyll to generate the HTML, after pre-processing the Markdown.

Directory Structure

The main directories of this repo are:

/scripts/        # BASH scripts that may be used by a "client"-project to generate artifacts
/filters/        # Python Panflute Pandoc filters, that act as little helpers
                 # when dealing with multiple Markdown files that are meant to be fused together
                 # into a single document
/test/filters/   # Unit-tests for the filters mentioned above

Running tests
