A category for NSObject that extracts all instance variables info and value
Add the NSObject+Ivar folder to your project
Add the header to your files
#import "NSObject+Ivar.h"
Call the method that suits you most from any subclass of the NSObject. For example, this class
@interface ObjectWithPrimitiveValues : NSObject
+ (instancetype)obj;
@implementation ObjectWithPrimitiveValues {
char _aChar;
BOOL _aBool;
short _aShort;
int _anInt;
long _aLong;
long long _aLongLong;
unsigned int _anUnsignedInt;
unsigned char _anUnsignedChar;
unsigned long _anUnsignedLong;
unsigned long long _anUnsignedLongLong;
unsigned short _anUnsignedShort;
double _aDouble;
float _aFloat;
char* _aCharString;
Class _aClass;
id _anObject;
SEL _aSelector;
+ (instancetype)obj {
return [[self alloc] init];
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_aChar = 'a';
_aBool = YES;
_aShort = -35;
_anInt = -32000;
_aLong = -2000000;
_aLongLong = -9000000;
_anUnsignedInt = 60000;
_anUnsignedChar = 254;
_anUnsignedLong = 2000000;
_anUnsignedLongLong = 9000000;
_aDouble = 1234e-89;
_aFloat = 67e34;
_aCharString = "this is a message \n read it carefully and";
_aClass = [NSString class];
_anObject = self;
_aSelector = @selector(initByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:);
return self;
if sent the ivarDescriptions selector
NSLog(@"%@", [[ObjectWithPrimitiveValues obj] ivarDescriptions])
will return
ObjectWithPrimitiveValues {
char _aChar = 97
char _aBool = 1
short _aShort = -35
int _anInt = -32000
long _aLong = -2000000
long long _aLongLong = 637096692557458368
unsigned int _anUnsignedInt = 60000
unsigned char _anUnsignedChar = þ
unsigned long _anUnsignedLong = 2000000
unsigned long long _anUnsignedLongLong = 637099437059560512
unsigned short _anUnsignedShort = 0
double _aDouble = 1.234000e-86
float _aFloat = 6.700000e+35
char* _aCharString = this is a message
read it carefully and
Class _aClass = NSString
id _anObject = <ObjectWithPrimitiveValues: 0x8a65f80>
SEL _aSelector = initByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:
This is work in progress.