- Class: MOSI Cool Computer Kids
- Instructor: Chase Starr, [email protected]
- Questions?
- Email for 1-on-1 assistance.
Discover the playful side of computers and robotics through building and learning play with computers. Gain experience with computer coding with MIT's Scratch program as well as hands-on activities to tech digital concepts. Create cartoons, make robots dance, and try out exciting new technologies throughout the class session.
- Demo MS Paint on projector. Afterwards read short story to class.
- Instruct students to draw a picture depicting their favorite part of the book.
- Code.org Happy Maps Activity Follow lesson plan at this link.
- Vocab: Algorithm - A list of steps that you can follow to finish a task.
- Begin "Drag and Drop" practice at Code.org
- Practice Typing at abcYa.com
- Practice mouse control
- LEGO WeDo Robotics
- Instruct how to program with WeDos. Allow for build time
- Real world algorithms: Plant a Seed
- Start by reviewing last week's unplugged programming activity - Happy Maps
- Vocab: Algorithm - A list of steps that you can follow to finish a task.
- Handout #1
- Handout #2
- Code.org activities
- Practice mouse control
- Green screen activity with "Do Ink" Ipad app
- Download age appropriate backgrounds for the kids to be creative with.
- Getting Loopy
- Handout #1
- Vocab: Loop - The act of doing something over and over again.
- Code.org activities
- Counting and mouse practice
- Bees and Honey Game
- Practice Typing at abcYa.com
- Demo Scratch Jr.
- Allow for individual exploration.
- Ask students to create a story with their characters. Make sure that they know how to add new characters.
- Binary Baubles Activity
- Create book marks for each student's initials. They now have a super secret code!
- Practice mouse control
- Draw your neighbor's portrait in MS Paint
- Demo Scratch
- Instruct students to "try it out" link.
- Show students the instructions on the right side of the screen.
- Practice mouse control
- Internet safety activity
- Prior to this class ask parents if this activity is ok for their child. Request that parents send their kids with an email adress with which to make a user account on Secret Builders - Create Username.
- http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech209.shtml
- http://oakdome.com/k5/lesson-plans/kindergarten-lessons.php
- http://practicadelmouse.altervista.org/
- http://www.abcya.com/keyboarding_practice.htm
- http://www.abcya.com/connect_the_dots_10.htm
- http://www.mackiev.com/kidpix/index.html
- http://www.abcya.com/kids_typing_game.htm
- https://studio.code.org/s/course1
- Code.org Happy Maps
- Code.org Move It, Move It
- Code.org Algorithms PLant a Seed
- Code.org Getting Loopy
- Code.org The Big Event
- Code.org Internet Safety
- Secret Builders - Create Username
- http://activities.macmillanmh.com/reading/treasures/stories/teachcls.html