- Drag & Drop support added to the Neuronatomy Shortcuts Window(*)
- Quick measurements no longer includes not-so-common metrics
- Reconstruction Plotter includes an option to open dendrogram(s)
- "About" dialog now displays full system information
- Exception in Strahler Command
- Dialog prompts appearing behind other windows in MacOS
- Fixed exaggerated dimensions of some components (splash screen, About dialog, etc.) on MacOS
Full Changelog: SNT-4.1.9...SNT-4.1.10
Compiled artifact (without dependencies): SNT-4.1.10.jar
(*) typical usage scenario: you have some SWC files laying around and would like to quickly see how they look: Press the SNT button in the IJ toolbar, drag & drop them into the Shortcuts window, and you are all set (@bogovicj, 😉)